Math 500: Topology

Homework 4
Lawrence Tyler Rush

January 12, 2013


P-1 Munkres §19 exercise 6

Let {xi} be a sequence in Xα and x and element of Xα.

Assume that {xi} converges to x. Let N be a neighborhood of πβ(x) for some β in the index set of Xα. Then U Xα where πβ(U) = N and πα(U) = Xα for αβ is a neighborhood of x since it is open in the product topology and contains x. Hence there are infinitely many xj of {xi} which are also in U, however each xj has that πβ(xj) πβ(U) = N. Thus N contains infinitely many points of {πβ(xi)}i, so πβ(xi) πβ(x).

Conversely, assume that for all β in the index set of Xα the sequence {πβ(xi)} converges to πβ(x). Let V be a neighborhood of x. Then there is a basis element B of Xα with x B V . Being in the product topology, only finitely many coordinates of B are sets which are not Xα. Letting πα1(B),αm(B) be these sets, we have, by assumption, that there exist N1,,Nm such that all n Nj has that παj(xn) παj(B). Thus if we set

N  = max{Nj }

then πα(xn) πα(B) for all α in {α1,m} and n N. From this we get that xn B V for all n N, which implies the convergence of {xi} to x.

Does the same hold for the box topology? The latter half of the above proof is dependent on the finititude of the number of coordinate sets in a given basis element of the product topology on Xα. As exemplified by the following scenario, the box topology may disallow such an N as in P-1.1 above.

Let Xα be ω with the box topology and define the sequence {xi} by xi = (1 i,2 i,3 i). So for any coordinate j, (πj(x1)j(x2)j(x3),) = (j 1,j 2,j 3,) and certainly the right hand side converges to 0. Thus x = (0,0,0,) will have the property that for each j, πj(xi) πj(x). However, for the neighborhood B = (-1,1) × (-1,1) × (-1,1) ×⋅⋅⋅ of x = (0,0,0,) there exists no N such that all n N has xn B since πN(xN) = N N = 1 ⁄∈ (-1,1) and thus xN ⁄∈ B.


The proof of the first part of Munkres’ Theorem 20.4 shows that T prod Tuniform Tbox. So it only remains to be shown that the box topology has a basis element for which no basis element of the uniform topology is contained within, and that the uniform topology contains a basis element for which no basis element of the product topology is contained within.

In the case of J where J is infinite, set B to be a basis element of the box topology defined as follows: for each n + there exists a unique α J such that πα(B) = (-1 n,1 n) and if αis not such an α, then πα(B) = . Note that for the following example the α J for which πα(B) = and for which πα(B)do not matter, just that there are a countably infinite number of them. So for 0 B, the sequence of all zeros, there is no open ball Bρ(0,r) of the uniform topology such that 0 Bρ(0,r) B since for any n such that 1 n < r, an α J can be found such that Bd(0,r) ⁄⊂ πα(B) = ( - 1 n,1 n), since, say, r+1∕n
--2- is in Bd(0,r) but not in ( - 1 n,1 n). Thus the uniform and box topologies are different.

To see that the uniform topology on J is different from the product topology, we need only look at an open ball of the uniform topology with radius r < 1. This will be the set αBd(xα,r) for some center (xα), but no basis element of the product topology can be contained within this set since no basis element B of the product topology can have more than a finitie number of α J with πα(B).

P-3 Munkres §20 exercise 1(a)

Let d: n × n be the function defined by
d′(x,y ) = |x1 - y1|+ ⋅⋅⋅+ |xn - yn|.

With this definition we see that dis a metric by

d(x,x) = 0 since xi - xi = 0
d(x,y) > 0 for all xy since dis the sum of absolute values
d(x,y) = d(y,x) since |xi - yi| = |yi - xi| for each i
d(x,z) d(x,y)+d(y,z) since d(x,y)+d(y,z) = d(x1,y1)+⋅⋅⋅+d(xn,yn)+d(y1,z1)+⋅⋅⋅+d(yn,zn) = (d(x1,y1) + d(y1,z1)) + ⋅⋅⋅ + (d(xn,yn) + d(yn,zn))d(x1,z1) + ⋅⋅⋅ + d(xn,zn) = d(x,z), where d is the euclidean metric on .

Now that we have that dis indeed a metric we can compare its induced topology with that of the square metric, ρ, on n via Munkres’ Lemma 20.2. Clearly for any x,y n

ρ(x, y) = max {|x - y |} ≤ ∑ |x - y | = d′(x,y)
         i    i   i     i  i   i


d′(x,y) = ∑ |xi - yi| ≤ n max{|xi - yi|} = nρ(x,y )
          i             i

By Equation P-3.2, inside of any ϵ-ball Bρ(x) is one Bd(x). So Munkres’ Lemma 20.2 tells us that the topology induced by dis finer than the one induced by ρ.

By Equation P-3.3, any Bd(x) has a Bρ(x,ϵ n) contained within it. Again turning to Munkres’ Lemma 20.2, we get that the topology induced by ρ is finer than that of d.

Given the above two results, dand ρ induce the same topology on n, that is, the usual topology.

Sketching. Figure 1 shows a ball for the metric din 2. It is no particular ball.


Figure 1: An arbitrary ball of the metric d.

P-4 Munkres §23 exercise 2

Let {An} be a collection of connected subspaces of X such that An An+1. For our base case, A1 is connected by assumption. Assume that for 1 through n - 1 we have i=1,,n-1Ai is connected. Assume for later contradiction that C,D separate An. By Munkres Lemma 23.2, i=1,,n-1Ai is contained within C or D, so without loss of generality allow i=1,,n-1Ai C. By the same Lemma, An must also be contained within one of C or D, however, An has nonempty intersection An-1 and therefore with i=1,,n-1Ai as well. Thus since i=1,,n-1Ai is contained in C, An must also be, thereby yielding that D actually is the emptyset. This contradicts C and D separating An and therefore An must be connected.



Our motivation for this is to envision that there is a circular, impenetrable barrier around the origin of 2. Normally, one would represent “impenetrable” mathematically through the use of , in our case we would set the distance between certain points to but since the range of a metric must be this cannot be done. So we turn to the standard bounded metric d corresponding to the euclidean metric on 2 for aide as it facilates a pseudo-infinity.

Let C be the disc centered at the origin, {(x,y) 2  :  |x| + |y|≤1 2}. Define d (our metric in question) on 2 by the following

         ({ d(x,y)  x ∈ C and y ∈ C
d(x,y) =   d(x,y)  x ⁄∈ C and y ⁄∈ C
         ( 2       otherwise

This 2 acts as our infinity, since the standard bounded metric has a maximum value of 1; regarding our original motivation, this metric makes the border of C “impenetrable” resulting in “infinite” distance of 2.

Metric Proof. Despite calling it a metric already, we have yet to prove that d is indeed one. Alas it is:

d(x,x) = 0 since x C or not, but in both cases d(x,x) = d(x,x) = 0
d(x,y) > 0 for all xy since d is d if x and y are both inside of or both outside of C, else d(x,y) = 2
d(x,y) = d(y,x) since d is d if x and y are both inside of or both outside of C, else d(x,y) = 2 and d(y,x) = 2
d obeys the triangle inequality for x,y,z as the following “truth” table demonstrates, where for x,y,z 0 means outside of C and 1 means inside of C.
 x  y  z  d(x,y)  d(y,z)  d(x,z) Does triangle inequality hold?
 0  0  0  d(x,y)  d(y,z)  d(x,z)             yes
 0  0  1  d(x,y)    2    - 2                yes
 0  1  0    2     - 2    d(x,z)             yes
 0  1  1    2     d(y,z)    2                yes
 1  0  0    2     d(y,z)  - 2                yes
 1  0  1  - 2       2    d(x,z)             yes
 1  1  0  d(x,y)  - 2    - 2                yes
 1  1  1  d(x,y)  d(y,z)  d(x,z)             yes

The Finale. Now with this metric d we can set B1 = Bd((0,0),3 4) and B2 = Bd((1 2,0),7 8). So both (0,0) and (1 2,0) are in C, and clearly B1 = C and B2 C since they cannot contain any points outside of C due to their radii being less than 2. However despite the fact that B2 has a larger radius of 7 8, it doesn’t contain the point (-1 2,0) of C since this is of distance 1 away from the center of B2, (0,1 2). Hence B2 B1.