Math 501: Differential Geometry

Homework 8
Lawrence Tyler Rush

April 14, 2013

1 do Carmo pg 237 problem 1

With F = 0, the Christoffel symbols simplify to
Γ 1  =   Eu-
 11      2E
Γ 2  =  - Ev-
 11       2G
Γ 1  =   Ev-
 12      2E
Γ 2  =   Gu-
 12      2G
 1        Gu-
Γ22  =  - 2E
 2       Gv-
Γ22  =   2G

From here, one would use the equation

         2      2      1  2    2  2    2  2    1  2
- EK = (Γ12)u - (Γ11)v + Γ12Γ11 + Γ12Γ12 - Γ11Γ22 - Γ11Γ12

and expand/simplify appropriately to get the desired answer. However, I was not able to find the correct sequence of expansions/simplifications of the equation resulting from the combination of the above equations.

2 do Carmo pg 237 problem 2

For E = G = λ(u,v) and F = 0 we can use the previous problem to find K to be
          ((     )    (    )  )      ((   )    (   ) )
     -- 1-   -λv--     -λu--      - 1   λv-      λu-
K  = 2√λλ    √ λλ  v + √ λλ  u  = 2λ    λ   v +  λ  u

Thus since Δlog λ = (  )
 λvλv + (  )
 λλuu then we have that

K = - 2λΔ (logλ)

Now let λ = (u2 + v2 + c)-2. To make the following computation easier to follow, we’ll define γ = u2 + v2 + c, i.e. λ = γ-2. We have the following value of K

K   =  - -1Δ (log λ)
         2λ((   )   (   )  )
    =   - 1   λv-  +  λu-
        2λ   (λ(  v     λ)  u (        )  )
        - 1-2   - 2γ-3γv      - 2γ-3γu-
    =   2 γ       γ-2    v +    γ-2    u
        - 1  ((        )   (       ) )
    =   2-γ2  - 2γ-1γv v + - 2γ-1γu u
    =  γ2 ((γ- 1γ)  + (γ- 1γ ))
          (    v v        uu                   )
    =  γ2  (- 1)γ -2γ2v + γ-1γvv + (- 1)γ-2γ2u + γ- 1γuu
    =  - γ2v + γγvv - γ2u + γγuu
With our definition of γ, γu = 4u, γv = 4v, and γuu = γvv = 4. Continuing the equation above we obtain
K  =   - γ2v +γ γvv - γ2u + γγuu
   =   - 4v2 + (u2 + v2 +c)(2)- 4u2 + (u2 + v2 + c)(2)

   =   4c


Let S be a surface with geodesic coordinates X so that E = 1 and F = 0.

(a) Christoffel Symbols

Since E = 1 then Eu = Ev = 0 and thus with F = 0 most of the Christoffel symbols are zero. Making use of the equations in (2) on pg 232 of do Carmo, we have
Γ 1 = Γ 2 = Γ 1 = 0
 11   11    12

as well as

Γ 2 = Gu, Γ 1 = --Gu , and Γ 2 = Gv
 12   2G   22    2        22   G

(b) Gaussian Curvature

From the equations of the previous part of the problem, due to most of the Christoffel Symbols being zero, we have this small equation for the Gaussian curvature.
        ( 2 )   ( 2 )2
- K  =  (Γ12)u + Γ(12  )
          Gu-      Gu- 2
     =    2G  u +  2G
          (   )        2
     =  1  Gu-   + (Gu)2-
        2 ( G   u   4)G
     =  1  Guu--  G2u- + (Gu-)2
        2   G     G2     4G2
        Guu   (Gu )2
     =  -2G-- -4G2-
          G     (G )2
 K   =  - -uu-+ --u2-
          2G     4G

(c) g for √--

Let g = √--
 G. Then G = g2, Gu = 2ggu and Guu = 2gu2 + 2gguu, so substituting these equations into the result of the previous part of the problem gets us
         2g2+ 2gg     4g2g2
K   =  - --u---2-uu + ---u4-
          2  2g      2 4g
    =  - gu +-gguu-+ gu
            g2      g2
        gu2--g2u +-gguu
    =        g2
    =   g



X  = (- sinθ sinϕ,sinθcosϕ,0)

Xθ = (cosθcosϕ,cosθsinϕ,- sin θ)

E = ⟨X ϕ,X ϕ⟩ = sin2θsin2 ϕ+ sin2 θcos2 ϕ = sin2θ

F = ⟨X ϕ,Xθ⟩ = - sinθsin ϕcosθcosϕ + sinθ cos ϕcosθsin ϕ = 0

G = ⟨X θ,Xθ⟩ = cos2θcos2ϕ +cos2θsin2ϕ +sin2θ = cos2θ +sin2θ = 1

Eθ = 2 sinθ cosθ E ϕ = 0
Fθ = 0         F ϕ = 0
Gθ = 0         G ϕ = 0

 1    2    1            2
Γ111sin θ = 22sinθ cos θ Γ 11 = 0
Γ11 = cotθ

Γ 12sin2θ = 0 Γ 2 = 0
Γ 12 = 0      12

Γ 122 = 0 Γ 222 = 0


Let W(s) = a(s)Xθ + b(s)Xϕ. With
α(s) = (sinθcos(-s-) ,sinθ sin( -s-) ,cosθ)
                sinθ           sinθ

we have u= -sin(-s-)
 sinθ. Thus by equation (1) on page 239 of do Carmo, we have the following since all Christoffel Symbols are zero except for Γ111

 ′   1   ′      ′     ( ′          (-s--))      ′
(a + Γ11au )X θ + b Xϕ = a - acotθsin  sin θ   Xθ + b Xϕ


Solving the ODEs of
        (          (  s ) )
a′ =   a 1 +cotθ sin  sinθ-
b′ =   b
we find that
b = es + b(0)


a = es-sinθcotθcos(sisnθ) + a(0)

How much does the parallel transport of a vector rotate after one loop? ???


With the definition of α above we get
       (     ( s  )    (  s )  )
α ′(s) = - sin  sin-θ ,cos sinθ  ,0

 ′      1  (     (  s )      (  s )   )
α (s) = sin-θ - cos sinθ ,- sin sinθ ,0


                 (    (    )      (    ))
k = |α ′(s)| = -1--- cos2  -s-- + sin2 -s--   = --1--
            sin2θ       sin θ        sin θ     sin2 θ

Normal Curvature Let N be the normal map on the sphere N(p) = p. Than at some p in the trace of α we have

k   =  k⟨n,N ⟩
 n      ⟨  ′′      ⟩
    =  k  α-(s),α(s)
    =  ⟨α′′(s),α(s)⟩
               2( -s--)        2 (-s--)
    =  - sinθ c(os  s(inθ  -) sin θsin(   sin))θ
    =  - sinθ  cos2  -s-- - sin2 -s--
                   sin θ        sin θ
    =  - sinθ

Geodesic Curvature We have

                                (       )
k2g = k2 - k2n = sin2 θ- sin4θ = sin2θ 1 - sin2θ = sin2θcos2θ


(a) Non-length-minimizing positive curvature geodesic

The sketch in Figure 1 has a geodesic between p and q that is not length minimizing. The curve that travels “the long way” along the great circle containing p and q will be a geodesic, but not length-minimizing. The geodesic traveling “the short way” will be length-minimizing though.


Figure 1: Sketch of positive curvature surface with a geodesic between p and q which is not length-minimizing.

(b) Non-length-minimizing zero curvature geodesic

The sketch in Figure 2 has a geodesic between p and q that is not length minimizing. Again going the long way, but this time along a horizontal circle of this cylinder.


Figure 2: Sketch of zero curvature surface with a geodesic between p and q which is not length-minimizing.

(c) Non-length-minimizing negative curvature geodesic

The sketch in Figure 3 has a geodesic between p and q that is not length minimizing. Again going the long way, but this time around the “waist” of this surface of revolution.


Figure 3: Sketch of negative curvature surface with a geodesic between p and q which is not length-minimizing.


(e) A surface where any two points can be joined by a geodesic, but the geodesic is only defined for a finite amount of time.

The sketch in Figure 4 has a geodesic between every two points, namely the straight line between them. However, since geodesics need to have constant velocity, then only finite time geodesics could exist.


Figure 4: Sketch of surface with only finite time geodesics.