Math 502: Abstract Algebra

Homework 3
Lawrence Tyler Rush
January 5, 2014


(a) Show that (∕n)× is isomorphic to Aut(∕n).

Any element of Aut(∕n) will map the identity element to itself because it is a homomorphism. Therefore, since ∕nis cyclic, any automorphism will simply permute the non-identity elements. Hence for any φ Aut(∕n), φ(1) = i(1) = i for some i ∈{1,2,,n}. However, because φ is a homomorphism, this completely dictates the mapping by φ of 2, 3,… n, i.e.
 φ(2) =   (φ (1))2 = 2i
   -      ( - )3  --
 φ(3) =   φ (1)  = 3i
       ..  ( - )    --
φ (n-) =   φ (1) n = ni
Hence, by defining φi to be the automorphism of ∕nthat maps 1 to i, we can then see that
Aut(ℤ∕nℤ ) = {φi|gcd(i,n) = 1}

Note that we need the stipulation of i,n being coprime because if j is not coprime to n, then we would be able to find a 0 < k < n such that kj = n, i.e. j wouldn’t generate the group, and therefore φj would not be a bijection.

Since (∕n)× are the units of ∕n, i.e. the equivalence classes of all the coprime numbers between 0 and n, then the above implies that this is in one-to-one correspondence with Aut(∕n). The bijection is ϕ : (∕n)× Aut(∕n) defined by

i ↦→ φi

(b) Is (5)× a cyclic group?

Yes it is cyclic; it is 2.
2   =  1 mod 25
21  =  2 mod 25
22  =  4 mod 25
2   =  3 mod 25

(c) Extra Credit: Is (25)× a cyclic group?

Yes it is cyclic; it is 2, since 5, 10, 15, and 20 are all coprime to 25 (and therefore their equivalence classes are not in (25)×
 21  =  1 mod 25
 2   =  2 mod 25
 22  =  4 mod 25
 23  =  8 mod 25
 25  =  16 mod 25
 2   =  7 mod 25
 26  =  14 mod 25
 27  =  3 mod 25
 29  =  6 mod 25
 2   =  12 mod 25
210  =  24 mod 25
211  =  23 mod 25
213  =  21 mod 25
2    =  17 mod 25
214  =  9 mod 25
215  =  18 mod 25
217  =  11 mod 25
2    =  22 mod 25
218  =  19 mod 25
219  =  13 mod 25

(d) Extra Credit


Let T be the set of diagonal matrices in GL2().

(a) Centralizer of T in GLn()

For n = 2 Because of the following

(      ) (      ) (      )-1          (        ) (        )          (                      )
  a  b     x        a  b     = ---1--   ax  by      d  - b  =  --1---  adx - bcy    ab(y- x)
  c  d        y     c  d       ad- bc   cx  dy     - c  a      ad- bc   cd(x - y) - bcx + ady

we know that for the above to be equal to (      )
     y, because the determinant ad-bc needs to be non-zero, that a and d need to both be zero and bc = -1, or b and c need to both be zero and ad = 1. Hence,

            { (       ) ||    } ⋃ { (        ) ||    }
ZGL2(ℝ)(T ) =    a  1    ||a ⁄= 0         1   b  ||b ⁄= 0
                    ∕a                - ∕b

For n = 3

(b) Normalizer of T in GLn()

For n = 2 For the following to be in T,

(      ) (      ) (      )            (        ) (        )          (                      )
  a  b     x        a  b  -1   ---1--   ax  by      d  - b     --1---  adx - bcy    ab(y- x)
  c  d        y     c  d     = ad- bc   cx  dy     - c  a   =  ad- bc   cd(x - y) - bcx + ady

either a and d need to both be zero, or b and c need to both be zero, but exclusively so because the determinant, ad-bc, needs to be nonzero. Hence we have that

            {(  a  b )||                   }
NGL2(ℝ)(T ) =    b  d  ||b = c = 0 or a = d = 0

For n = 3

(c) Extra Credit

(d) Extra Credit



(b) Extra Credit

(c) Extra Credit

4 Classify all groups G where Aut(G) = {idG}

Such a G must be abelian If G were not abelian, then there would be at least one non-identity element, g, outside of the center of G. The map σg : G G defined by σg(h) = ghg-1, i.e. conjugation by g, would then be an automorphism of G since there must exist at least one h G such that ghg-1h as g ⁄∈ Z(G). Hence σg is a non-identity map contained in Aut(G).


(a) The trivial subspace and 2 are the only subspaces closed under left action by GL2()

It’s clear that the trivial subspace and 2 are both closed subspaces under action by GL2(). The only other subspaces of 2 are 1-dimensional, i.e. lines of 2. So simply a rotation, by say π, like
(  cos π  - sinπ )
   sin π   cosπ

will take a vector in a 1-dimensional subspace outside of the subspace.


Functions are stable under action of the identity element. The first property of an action is satisfied by the following

(      )
   1     ⋅f(x,y) = f(1x + 0y,0x + 1y) = f(x,y)

The “associative” property of an action. Let A,B GL2() with

    (  a  b)                   (  m  n )
A =    c  d        and     B =    q  r

Because this

                   (       )
A ⋅B ⋅f(x,y) =   A⋅   m  n   ⋅f(x,y)
                      q   r
                 ( a  b )
             =     c  d   ⋅f(mx  +qy,nx + ry)
             =   f(m (ax+ cy)+ q(bx+ dy),n(ax+ cy)+ r(bx + dy))
                  (                                         )
             =   f (ma + qb)x+ (mc + qd)y,(na +rb)x+ (nc+ rd)y
is the same as
                 (      ) (       )
(AB )⋅f(x,y) =     a  b     m  n   ⋅f(x,y)
                 ( c  d      q  r  )
                   am + bq  an+ br
             =     cm + dq  cn + dr   ⋅f(x,y)
             =   f((am + bq)x+ (cm + dq)y,(an + br)x +(cn +dr)y)
                  (                                         )
             =   f (am + qb)x+ (mc + qd)y,(na + rb)x +(nc +rd)y
then the “associative” property of an action holds for this action.

(c) Extra Credit

6 Is “is a normal subgroup” a transitive relation?

The “normality” relation is not transitive. In the group D2(8) = D16, we have s,r2D16 and s,r4s,r2, however, s,r4⟩⁄D16.

The subgroup s,r2is normal in D16 by

  k j  ℓ2i  k j -1   k j ℓ2i- jk    k ℓ-j 2i- jk    k+ℓ2(i-j) k   2k+ℓ2(j-i)   ℓ 2(j-i)     2
(s r)(sr  )(s r )  = s r sr  r s  = s sr  r  r s  = s  r     s = s    r     = sr     ∈ ⟨s,r ⟩

and s,r4is normal in s,r2by

 k 2j  ℓ 4i  k2j -1   k 2j ℓ4i- 2j k    k+ ℓ-2j 4i-2j k   k+ℓ 4(i-j)k    2k+ℓ 4(j-i)   ℓ 4(j-i)      4
(sr  )(s r )(s r )  = s r  sr  r  s  = s  r   r r   s = s   r    s  = s   r     = s r     ∈ ⟨s,r ⟩

but the following demonstrates that s,r4⟩⁄D16

r(sr4)r-1 = rsr3 = sr-1r3 = sr2 ⁄∈ ⟨s,r4⟩
