Math 502: Abstract Algebra

Homework 12
Lawrence Tyler Rush
<> In Collaboration With
Keaton Naff
January 5, 2014


Let G be a finite group and (G) be the set of all -valued functions on G. Define an inner-product on the -vector space by
(f |f) := -1--∑  f (x)⋅f-(x)
  1 2    #G  x∈G 1     2


For each g G, let Ug End(C(G)) be defined by f↦→(x↦→f(xg). With this definition, we see that
                  --1-∑            ---------
(Ug(f1)|Ug(f2))  =  #G     Ug (f1)(x)⋅Ug(f2)(x)
                      x∑∈G       ------
               =  --1-   f1(xg)⋅f2(xg)
                  #G  x∈G
but because right translation in G is a bijection, we can alter the index on G to be
                      ∑        -----
(Ug(f1)|Ug(f2))  =  -1--   f1(y)⋅f2(y)
                  #G  y∈G
               =  (f1|f2)
and hence Ug is a unitary operator for each g G.


For each g G, let Ug End(C(G)) be defined by f↦→(x↦→f(xg). With this definition, we see that
(Ug (f1)|f2)  =  #G     Ug (f1)(x)⋅f2(x)
           =  --1-   f1(xg)⋅f2(x)
              #G  x∈G
however in the above equation, we can substitute y for xg to get
(Ug(f1)|f2) =--1-∑  f1(y)⋅f2(yg-1)
            #G  y∈G

which indicates that Ug-1 will be the hermitian conjugate of Ug.



Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F which is either or with S a linear operator on V .

(a) Prove S being skew-hermitian implies exp(S) is unitary

Assume that S is skew-hermitian. Let λ F be an eigenvalue of S with corresponding eigenvector v. Then we have that
           ∑∞ Sk      ∞∑  λk      λ
exp(S)(v) =   -k! (v) =   k!(v) = e (v)
           k=0        k=0

with the rightmost equality coming from the Taylor series expansion of the exponential function. So we see that eλ is an eigenvalue for exp(S). Now because S was assumed skew-hermitian, then λ √--1, implying that λ = ai for some a . So eai is an eigenvalue of exp(S), but since it has magnitude of 1, then exp(S) must be unitary.


    ( i   )                  (    - 1 )
A =              and     B =    1

then both A and B are period matrices since

     (       )      (      )      (     )       (    )
 2     - 1      3     - i      4     1      5     i
A  =           A  =          A  =          A  =


     (         )      (        )      (      )       (       )
B2 =   - 1        B3 =       1   B4 =    1      B5 =      - 1
            - 1          - 1                1          1

Therefore since k=01-
k! converges (to e, although it’s immaterial), then exp(A) = I + a1A1 + a 2A2 + a 3A3 + a 4A4 and exp(B) = b1B1 + b2B2 + b3B3 + b4B4 where each ai,bi F. In other words, exp(A) exp(B) is a finite linear combination of 16 matrices.

Now I’d like to show that exp(A + B) is not a finite linear combination of matrices, but I am unsure how to do so.

(c) Extra Credit

3 Extra Credit



If we let T End([∕n] be multiplication by b0[0] + b1[1] + ⋅⋅⋅ + bn-1[n- 1], then we have that
   T([0])  =  b [0]+ b [1]+ ⋅⋅⋅+ b   [n - 1]
              0     1          n-1
   T([1])  =  bn-1[0]+ b0[1]+b1[2]+⋅⋅⋅+ bn-2[n - 1]

T([n - 1])  =  b1[0]+ b2[1]+ ⋅⋅⋅+ b0[n - 1]
which implies that the matrix representation of T in the basis {[0],[1],,[n - 1]} of [∕n] is An.


(c) Extra Credit

(d) Extra Credit