Math 500: Topology

Homework 3
Lawrence Tyler Rush

January 12, 2013



In each of the following subproblems, let X and Y be the orginal topological spaces on which f is defined and X or Y be the respective spaces which are alterted as per the subproblem description.

(a) Make X finer.

Making the domain finer won’t affect the continuity. Let U be an open set of Y . Then f-1(U) is open in X. But since X is finer than X, then TX TX and therefore f-1(U) is also open in X.

(b) Make X courser.

Making the domain courser can, but will not necessarily, result in f not being continuous. As an example of a function “losing its continuity”: if X and Y are both the discrete topologies on , and f is the identity map, then making X courser by changing it to the indiscrete topology will make f-1(U) non-open if U is any proper, nontrivial subset of Y . On the other hand, f can retain its continuity, as exampled by the following scenario. Let X be the discrete topology on and Y be the indiscrete, with f again being the identity map. In this case, no matter how course X is made, f will always be continuous.

(c) Make Y finer.

Again making the topology of Y finer can, but will not necessarily, cause f to lose its continuity. An example when it does is if f is the identity map an X and Y are the same topological spaces, then adding any set to the topology on Y (and any other sets necessary to maintain it topological status) will cause f to no longer be continuous. An example of where f does not lose continuity is if X and Y are the same sets, X has the discrete topology, Y has any other except for the discrete, and f is the idenity map. Then in this case X has the “finest” topology for the set X = Y , so no matter what sets are added to the topology on Y to make it finer, no set added will be added that isn’t already in the discrete topology.

(d) Make X courser.

Making Y courser will not affect the continuity of f. This is so since TY TY and every UTY has that f-1(U) is open in X, so any set of TY will have the same.


PIC (a) cup [1] PIC (b) saucer [?] PIC (c) glass [3] PIC (d) spoon [4]
PIC (e) fork [5] PIC (f) plate [6] PIC (g) coin [7] PIC (h) nail [8]
PIC (i) bolt [9] PIC (j) nut [10] PIC (k) wedding ring [11] PIC (l) flower pot [12]
PIC (m) key [13]

Figure 1: Images of items to partition into homeomorphic equivalency classes.

Using the objects in the images of Figure 1 we have the following homeomorphism classes.
saucer glass spoon fork plate coin nail bolt
cup nut wedding ring flower pot key


Here we can use polar coordinates to convert between the disk and the square. Basically, a point (r,θ) in the square will be the point in the disk of radius r away from the origin, and at an angle θ from the positive x-axis. Given this we define our map f : D2 I2 as follows1
         ∘ -------------
f(x,y) = ( x2 + y2,arctan(y,x))

begetting an inverse function of

f   (r,θ) = (rcosθ,rsin θ)

Since each of the composite functions which make up f are individually continuous for x + y 1 then the indivial components of f are each continuous by Munkres Theorem 18.2 (c) which in turn gives us, by Munkres Theorem 18.4, that f itself is continuous. An identical argument holds for f-1. Because f-1 is continuous, then f is open. So because f is an invertible, open, continuous map, than it is a homeomorphism, and thus D2 and I2 are homeomorphic.

P-4 Munkres §18 exercise 1

Let f : be continuous according to the open set definition. Let x and ϵ > 0, then f-1((f(x) -ϵ,f(x) + ϵ)) is open. This means that there exists some interval contained inside it which contains x, i.e. there exists a δ > 0 such that (x-δ,x + δ) f-1((f(x) -ϵ,f(x) + ϵ)). Thus we have that any y in (x-δ,x + δ) will also be in f-1((f(x) - ϵ,f(x) + ϵ)), and hence f(y) (f(x) - ϵ,f(x) + ϵ). Thus f is continuous according to the ϵ - δ definition.

Conversely assume that the ϵ-δ definition of continuity holds for f. Let V be open in , then for each x f-1(V ) there is an ϵ such that (f(x) -ϵ,f(x) + ϵ) V . From the ϵ-δ property of f we get that f((x-δ,x + δ)) (f(x) -ϵ,f(x) + ϵ) V , which implies that (x - δ,x + δ) f-1(V ), i.e. f-1(V ) is open. Thus f is continuous according to the set definition.

P-5 Prove Munkres’ §18 Theorem 1

To prove the equivalency of this theorem, we will proceed by proving

and in each case f : X Y will be a function with X and Y topological spaces.

(a) (1)=⇒(3)

Assume that f is a continuous function. Let B Y be closed. Then Y \ B is open. Therefore f-1(Y \ B) is as well, but this is equal to X \ f-1(B), and so f-1(B) must be closed.

(b) (3)=⇒(2)

Let f : X Y be a function such that for all closed sets B in Y , f-1(B) is closed. For A X, A f-1(f(A)) is always true and since sets are subsets of their own closure, then A f-1(f(A)). Since f(A) is a closed set, then by assumption f-1(f(A)) is closed, but because it contains A, then it contains A since the closure of A is the union of closed supersets of A. So we have A f-1(f(A)), implying f(A) f(A).

(c) (2)=⇒(1)

Assume that for all A X, f(A) = f(A). Let U be an open set of Y . Let x X \ f-1(U), which implies that f(x) f(----------)
 X \ f-1(U). Since Y \ U is closed we have
 ( ---------)   -------------  -----------------  -------------  -----
f  X \f-1(U)  ⊂ f(X \f- 1(U )) = f(f-1(Y)\ f-1(U)) = f(f-1(Y \U )) ⊂ Y \U = Y \U

and from it we get x f-1(Y \U), but f-1(Y \U) = X \f-1(U) and so x X \f-1(U). Thus X \ f-1(U) X \f-1(U), and therefore, since a set is a subset of its own closure, X \ f-1(U) = X \f-1(U), so X \f-1(U) is closed. By this f-1(U) is open, which yields that f is continuous.

(d) (1)=⇒(4)

Assume that f : X Y is a continuous function. Let V Y be a neighborhood of f(x) for some x X. Then x f-1(V ) and f-1(V ) is open. Since f(f-1(V )) V is always true, then f-1(V ) is a neighborhood U of x with f(U) V .

(e) (4)=⇒(1)

Assume that for all neighborhoods V of f(x), there exists a neighborhood U of x such that f(U) V . Let V be an open set of Y . For each x f-1(V ) let Ux denote a neighborhood of x such that f(Ux) V , i.e. Ux f-1(V ). Therefore xf-1(V )Ux f-1(V ), but since each Ux contains x then f-1(V ) ⊂∪xf-1(V )Ux f-1(V ). Therefore f-1(V ) equals xf-1(V )Ux which, as a union of open sets, is open. Hence f is continuous.

P-6 Munkres §19 exercise 7

By n denote the set
ℝ× ℝ × ⋅⋅⋅×(ℝ \{0})× {0}× {0}⋅⋅⋅
       n terms

Note that with this notation 0 is the product containing only singletons of zero. So then, we can represent by

ℝ ∞ =     ℝn

So in light of Munkres Theorem 19.5,

---  --  --      (------)   ---  ---
ℝn = ℝ × ℝ × ⋅⋅⋅×  ℝ \{0}  × {0}× {0}⋅⋅⋅ = ℝ◟-×-ℝ×◝⋅◜⋅⋅×-ℝ◞ ×{0}× {0}⋅⋅⋅
                                             n times

for both the box and product topologies. This gives us that

---    ⋃  ---
ℝ ∞ =     ℝn

which simply implies that the closure of is ω for both the box and product topologies.


[1]   Cup image Figure 1a

[2]   saucer image figure 1b:

[3]   glass image figure 1c:

[4]   spoon image figure 1d:

[5]   fork image figure 1e:

[6]   plate image figure 1f:

[7]   coin image figure 1g:

[8]   nail image figure 1h:

[9]   bolt image figure 1i:

[10]   nut image figure 1j:

[11]   wedding ring image figure 1k:

[12]   flower pot image figure 1l:

[13]   key image figure 1m: