Math 500: Topology
Homework 7
Lawrence Tyler Rush
January 12, 2013
- ℝn
- connected: Yes, it is the finite product of a connected set, ℝ.
- path connected: Yes, the straight line between any two points will be continuous.
- metrizable: Yes, using the euclidean or square metric. Munkres Theorem 20.3
- compact: No, ℝ is not even compact, so ℝn is not.
- T1: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T2: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T3: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T4: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: Yes, it is the finite product of the second countable set ℝ.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, it is ℝn.
- ℝd
- connected: No, every set is clopen.
- path connected: No, because its not connected.
- metrizable: Yes, given by the discrete metric.
- compact: No, this is finer than ℝ and ℝ is not compact.
- T1: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T2: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T3: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T4: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: No, it is finer than ℝℓ and that is not second-countable.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, any open set of ℝ will be an open set here. So every open neighborhood of any
element of ℝd has a neighborhood which is open in ℝ.
- ℝℓ
- connected: No, [-∞,x) and [x,+∞) are open sets that separate the space for any x ∈ ℝℓ.
- path connected: No, because it is not connected.
- metrizable: Yes, in each lower limit basis element we can fit an open ball of the euclidean metric, and
vice versa.
- compact: No, {[-n,n) | n ∈ ℤ+} has no finite subcover.
- T1: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T2: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T3: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T4: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: No, section 30 example 3.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, locally 1-euclidean. For any x ∈ ℝℓ the set ∪n[x - 1 +
,x + 1) contains x, is
open in ℝℓ, and equals the open set of ℝ, (x - 1,x + 1).
- ℝfc
- connected: Yes, a non-trivial clopen set would need to be finite and infinite, which isn’t possible. Thus
there are no non-trivial clopen sets.
- path connected: Yes, the constant function on ℝ will satisfy the requirements.
- metrizable: No, not Hausdorff.
- compact: Yes, any element of an open cover,
, will have a finite number of elements not contained in
it, so we only need to select a finite number of other elements from
to cover the entire space.
- T1: Yes, one point sets are finite, so their complements are open, so they are closed.
- T2: No, since no open sets in ℝfc are disjoint.
- T3: No, not Hausdorff.
- T4: No, not Hausdorff.
- first-countable: No. Assume for contradiction that {Ai} is a countable basis at x. Then U = ∪i{ℝ\Ai}
is a countable collection of points since it is a countable union of finite sets. Then for any y ∈ ℝ \ U
(ℝ \ U is nonempty since ℝ is uncountable), ℝ \{y} is open in ℝfc but contains no Ai.
- second-countable: No, since it is not first countable.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, every neighborhood of a point x is an open set in ℝ since finite sets are closed
in ℝ. Thus each x has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open set of ℝ.
- S1
- connected: Yes, it is path connected.
- path connected: Yes, Section 24 example 5.
- metrizable: Yes, the magnitude of the acute angle between two points in the set.
- compact: Yes, closed and bounded subset of ℝ2, so compact by Heine-Borel.
- T1: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T2: Yes, it’s a subspace of the Hausdorff space ℝ2.
- T3: Yes, it’s normal.
- T4: Yes, it’s Hausdorff and compact.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: Yes, it’s a subspace of a second countable space, ℝ2.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, it’s a subspace of a ℝ2.
- ℝ × ℝ, dictionary
- connected: Yes, it is path connected.
- path connected: Yes, the straight line between any two points will be continuous.
- metrizable: Yes, Section 50 supplementary exercise 4.
- compact: No, since it is Hausdorff, being compact would imply that it is an m-manifold, but it is not
due to Section 50 exercise 2.
- T1: Yes, this is locally euclidean.
- T2: Yes, this is normal.
- T3: Yes, this is normal.
- T4: Yes, this is an order topology.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: No, Section 50 exercise 4.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, it is 1-euclidean.
- ℝω, product topology
- connected: Yes, Section 23 example 7.
- path connected: ???
- metrizable: Yes, Munkres Theorem 20.5.
- compact: No, ℝ is not compact.
- T1: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T2: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T3: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T4: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: Yes, since ℝ is second countable, by Munkres Theorem 30.2.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, since it’s metrizable.
- connected: Yes, Section 24 example 7.
- path connected: No, Section 24 example 7.
- metrizable: Yes, it’s regular and second countable. (Urysohn’s metrization theorem).
- compact: Yes, it is a closed and bounded subset of ℝ2.
- T1: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- T2: Yes, it’s a subspace of the Hausdorff space ℝ2.
- T3: Yes, it’s normal.
- T4: Yes, it’s compact and Hausdorff.
- first-countable: Yes, it’s metrizable.
- second-countable: Yes, it’s a subspace of the second countable space ℝ2.
- locally Euclidean: Yes, it’s a subspace of ℝ2.