P-2 A continuous, non-surjective map f : X → S2 is nulhomotopic.
where j is the inclusion map from S to S2. This map is continuous since the composition of H and the inclusion map is continuous. The map is therefore a homotopy because H′(x,0) = (j ∘ H)(f(x),0) = j(f(x)) = f(x) and H′(x,1) = (j ∘ H)(f(x),1) = j(s1) = s1. Thus f is nulhomotopic.
Step 1: Shrink ℝ2 to encompassing disc. Define r1 : X × I → A (the first retraction) by
The use of the closed ball in the first line of the definition and the complement of the open ball in the second may look a
little suspect, but this little trickery simply allows us to make good use of the pasting lemma. That is, these two partitions
of the domain are both closed sets with a union of ℝ2 and intersection of the ball’s boundary; and since tx + (1 -t)x = x
for all t and x on the boundary of B(0,2), then the pasting lemma yields to us the continuity of r1 since the identity map
and scalar multiplication are continuous.
Step 2: Shrink disc to the discs of figure eight. We define r2 : B(0,2) × I →B(q,1) ∪B(p,1) as the second retraction by
which is again continuous by the pasting lemma since all three partitionings of the domain are closed and any point in the intersection of any two of the partitionings (i.e. points in the boundaries) are mapped to themselves.
Step 3: Push inards of figure eight discs to the exterior.
We’ll define our last retraction r3 : B(p,1) ∪B(q,1) × I → BdB(p,1) ∪ B(q,1)
This is once again continuous by the pasting lemma since B(p,1) and B(q,1) are both closed and the only point of their intersection is 0 which is map to itself by both constituent maps of r3.
Putting it together. We’ll simply compose all of these continuous functions to another continuous function r = r3 ∘r2 ∘r1. So r is continuous, and is our deformation retraction we’re looking for.
To deformation retract to the hexa-punctured S2, well use the following deformation retraction
which works because 0 ⁄∈ ℝ3 \ xyz. After doing this we will choose a point in the resulting punctured sphere to be the center point of the bouquet and retract á la the previous problem, but this time accounting for five points instead of two. Due to time constraints, I couldn’t work out the details of the latter.
Fundamental Group of Solid Torus
The fundamental group of S1 is isomophic to the integers, and D2 is simply connected. This leads us via Munkres’
Theorem 60.1 to the solid torus having a fundamental group of ℤ ×{e}ℤ.
Fundamental Group of S1 × S2
Likewise, with the fundamental group of S1 being ℤ and S2 being simply connnected, Munkres’ Theorem 60.1 gets us
that the fundamental of S1 × S2 is again ℤ ×{e}ℤ.