Math 501: Differential Geometry

Homework 5
Lawrence Tyler Rush

March 3, 2013


Using the formula
|u∧ v|2 = |u|2|v|2 - (u⋅v)2

we have the following sequence of equations for paramtrization x : U S for some regular surface S with V = x(U)

            ∫ ∫
area(V )  =       |xu ∧ xv|dudv
            ∫ ∫U
         =       ∘ |x--∧x-|2dudv
            ∫ ∫U    u    v
                 ∘ ---2---2---------2-
         =     U   |xu| |xv| - (xu ⋅xv) dudv
            ∫ ∫  ∘ ------------------------
         =         (xu ⋅xu)(xv ⋅xv)- (xu ⋅xv)2dudv
            ∫ ∫U ∘ --------
         =         EG - F 2dudv
            ∫ ∫U   ------
         =       ∘ det(g)dudv
where g = ( E  F  )
  F  G


Let S be the graph of a smooth function f : 2 with coordinate mapping X(u,v) = (u,v,f(u,v)). From this we get that Xu = (1,0,fu) and Xv = (0,1,fv).

(a) Coefficients of The First Fundamental Form

E  =   Xu ⋅Xu = (1,0,fu)⋅(1,0,fu) = 1+ f2u
F  =   Xu ⋅Xv = (1,0,fu)⋅(0,1,fv) = fufv
G  =   X  ⋅X  = (0,1,f )⋅(0,1,f ) = 1 + f2
        v   v        v       v        v

(b) Length of α

Let α(t) be the curve in S with coordinate expression of (t,t) for 0 t 1, i.e. α(t) = (u(t),v(t)) where u(t) = t and v(t) = t. With this, the length of α is given by the following.
∫ 1∘ ------------------       ∫ 1∘ ------------------------------------------------
     Eu ′2 + 2F u′v′ +Gv ′2dt =       (1+ fu(t,t)2)12 + 2fu(t,t)fv(t,t)(1)(1)+ (1+ fv(t,t)2)12dt
 0                            ∫0
                           =    1∘2--+f-(t,t)2 +-2f-(t,t)f-(t,t)+-f-(t,t)2dt
                               0       u         u     v       v
                              ∫ 1∘ --------------------
                           =       2 +(fu(t,t)+ fv(t,t))2dt
                              ∫0 ∘ ---(--------)-
                                1       d-      2
                           =   0   2 +  dtf(t,t)  dt

(c) Area of V

Let V = X(U) for some bounded open set U of 2. Using the equation we derived in the first problem, we compute the area of V as follows.
∫ ∫  ∘ --------         ∫ ∫  ∘ --------------------
       EG - F 2dudv  =         (1+ fu)(1 + fv) - fu2fv2dudv
    U                   ∫ ∫U
                     =       ∘1-+-fu +-fv-+-fufv---f2f2dudv
                           U                      u v


Define the following parametrizations of the xy-plane in 3
X(u,v)  =  (u+ v,u - v,0)
Y (r,θ)  =  (rcosθ,rsin θ,0)
We can then define the change of coordinate function, h : 2 2 by
                                      ( ∘ ----------------           )   (∘ ---------           )
h(u,v) = Y- 1∘X (u,v) = Y -1(u+v, u- v,0) = (u + v)2 + (u- v)2,arctan u---v =   2(u2 + v2),arctan u---v
                                                                u + v                      u + v

with inverse

                                            (                          )
h-1(r,θ) = X -1 ∘Y (r,θ) = X-1(rcosθ,rsin θ,0) = r-cosθ+-rsin-θ, rcosθ--r-sinθ
                                                   2             2

resulting in the change-of-coordinate functions at the coordinate level of

r(u,v)  =  ∘2-(u2 +-v2)
                u - v
θ(u,v)  =  arctan-----
                u + v
u(r,θ)  =   rcosθ+-rsinθ-
v(r,θ)  =   rcosθ--rsinθ-
Computing Xu = (1,1,0) and Xv = (1,-1,0) we can then compute Y r and Y θ in terms of Xu and Xv as follows
        ∂u     ∂v   cosθ +sinθ         cosθ- sin θ
Yr = Xu ∂r-+Xv ∂r-= -----2----(1,1,0)+ ----2-----(1,- 1,0) = (cos θ,sinθ,0)

Yθ = Xu ∂u+ Xv ∂v-= r(- sinθ + cosθ)(1,1,0)+ r(- sinθ - cosθ)(1,- 1,0) = (- r sinθ,rcosθ,0)
        ∂θ     ∂θ   2                      2


The parametrization of the rotation of the regular plane curve, (f(v),g(v), of the xz-plane with x and z coordinates given by f(v) and g(v), respectively, is
X (u,v) = (f(v)cosu,f(v)sinu,g(v)


With the above definition of the parametrization, we have the following differential of X.
        (  - f (v)sinu f′(v) cosu )
dX(u,v) = (  f(v) cosu   f′(v)sinu )
               0        g′(v)

Since the curve of rotation is a regular curve then g(v)0 for all v which tells us that the columns of dX(u,v) are linearly independent and therefore dX(u,v) is injective.


With the above definition of the parametrization we get
Xu = (- f(v)sinu,f(v)cosu,0)


       ′        ′        ′
Xv = (f(v)cosu,f (v) sinu,g (v))

from which we get

                (                         )
E   =  Xu ⋅Xu =  (f(v))2 sin2u,(f(v))2cos2u,0
 F  =  X  ⋅X  = (- f (v)f′(v)sinu cos u,f (v)f′(v) sinu cosu,0)
         u   v  (  ′   2  2    ′   2   2   ′   2)
 G  =  Xv ⋅Xv =  (f(v)) cos u,(f (v)) sin u,(g(v))

5 do Carmo Page 109 problem 2

Let φ : S1 S2 be a local diffeomorphism with S2 orientable. Then there is some N2 : S2 3 that is a differentiable field of normal unit vectors. Hence N1 = N2 φ is differentiable in a neighborhood of any q S1, but since φ(q) S2, then N2(φ(q)), which is equal to N1(q), is a unit normal vector. Thus N2 : S1 3 is a differentiable field of unit normal vectors, i.e. S1 is orientable.