Proof. First note that S has positive elements, for if s ∈ S and s≠0 (such an s exists since S has at least two different elements), then either s is positive or s - 2s is; the latter being guaranteed to be in S due to the closure of addition and subtraction.
As a subset of the well-ordered set ℕ, the set S ∩ ℕ -{0}, must have a least element, call it n. Certainly all integer multiples of n are in S as S is closed under addition and subtraction. So in the least,
![]() | (1.1) |
Assume for later contradiction that there is an a ∈ S for which n ⁄|a. Then the division algorithm, since n≠0, yields the existence of q,r ∈ ℤ with 0 ≤ r < |n| such that a = qn + r. Therefore r = a - qn ∈ S by the closure of addition and subtraction on S. Since a was assumed to not be a multiple of n, then 0 < r < |n|, but this contradicts the fact that n is the least element of S ∩ ℕ -{0}. Thus, no such a exists, moreover all elements of S are multiples of n. Hence combining this with equation 1.1 leaves us with S = nℤ. __
This is surjective since any element of ℕ ∩S has the form mn and thus f will map m to it. The map is injective because if f(m) = f(m′) for m,m′∈ ℕ, then nm = nm′ and thus m = m′. So f is a bijection.
Because multiplication by a nonzero natural number preserves order, then f is an order-preserving map as it simply multiplies its input by the nonzero natural number n.
Finally to prove uniqueness, let g : ℕ → ℕ ∩S be an order-preserving bijection. We first note that g(0) = 0 because 0 is the least element of both ℕ and ℕ ∩ S; any other output for g would contradict its given order-preservation. Now assume that there exists an N such that for all k with 0 ≤ k < N we have g(k) = f(k). Define ℓ by ℓ = min{j ∈ S ∩ ℕ∣j ≥ f(N) = mN}, remembering that S = nℤ. We know ℓ exists since S ∩ ℕ is a subset of the well-ordered set ℕ. Thus f(k) = mk < ℓ for all k such that 0 ≤ k < N, and therefore since f is an order-preserving bijection, f(N) = ℓ. However, the inductive hypothesis implies that g, being an order-preserving bijection, must also have that g(N) = ℓ. Hence g and f are one in the same.
So assume that H has at least two distinct elements. Define S = {n∣gn ∈ H}. The set S then also has at least two different elements. Now for n,m ∈ S we have that gn,gm ∈ H which implies that gngm = gn+m ∈ H as H is a group. Hence n + m ∈ S implying the closure of S under addition. Also since H is a group, (gm)-1 = g-m ∈ H informing us that n-m ∈ S. Hence S is closed under subtraction. In summary, S is a set with at least two different elements which is closed under addition and subtraction.
Thus by parts (a) and (b) of this problem, we have a unique order-preserving map, f : ℕ → S ∩ ℕ, for which every
element of S is an integer multiple of f(1). In other words, for every gn ∈ H, there is some integer a such that
gn = gaf(1) = a. Hence gf(1) generates H.
So let’s proceed assuming that a≠b. With this, we know that S has at least two elements, thereby allowing us to make use of the problem 1. So let fℕ → ℕ ∩ S be the unique order-preserving bijection, and define c to be f(1). So for any d that divides a and b, d will also divide every element of S. This will include c since part (b) of problem 1 states that c generates all of S and c is therefore contained in S. So d divides c.
Relation of gcd(a,b) to S The greatest common divisor of a,b is the value c such that c generates S = ⟨a,b⟩.
Every nonzero integer can be decomposed into ±1p1e1pme+m
We will first prove this for positive integers, then for negative ones.
As a base case we have that for 1 or any positive prime p, the decomposition is 1 and p, respectively. So let n ∈ ℕ be composite and assume that all natural numbers less than n can be decomposed as per above. Then we can find positive integers q,r < n such that qr = n. By the inductive hypothesis, then q and r can be decomposed into ± a product powers of primes. Hence so can n, namely the decomposition produced by the product of the decomposition of q and r.
As for a negative integer, m, the above proof for decomposition of positive integers informs us that there is such a decomposition for |m|, and thus simply negating the decomposition yields a decomposition for m.
The decomposition is unique.
As a base case we have that for 1 or any positive prime p, the decomposition 1 and p, respectively, are unique. So let
n ∈ ℕ be composite and assume that all natural numbers less than n can be uniquely decomposed. Let p1e1paea and
qbfb be decompositions of n. Therefore p1 must divide q1f1
qbfb since both decompositions are equal, in other
words, there is some qi equal to p1. Thus p1e1-1
paea and q1f1
qbfb are equal, but these integers are less than
n, which our inductive hypothesis tells us that their prime decompositions are unique. Therefore their multiplication by
p1 = qi will be unique decompositions of n.
As for a negative integer, m, the above proof for unique decomposition of positive integers informs us that there is such a unique positive decomposition for |m|, and thus simply negating the it yields a unique decomposition for m.1
![]() | (3.2) |
As multiples of m and n, respectively, bum and avn have that
which when combined with Equation 3.2, yields
Thus the desired formula for c is c = avn + bum
In class we saw that the canonical addition and multiplication operations in ℤ∕9ℤ are compatible with the addition and multiplication operations of the integers. This yields to us
however, 1 ≡ 10 mod 9, leaving us with
again using the compatibility of addition in ℤ∕9ℤ with integer addition.
Formula for 11
We can see that 10 is a unit of ℤ∕11ℤ with order 2 in ×. Therefore 102i ≡ 10 mod 11 and 102i+1 ≡ 1 mod 11 for
integer i. We can also say that di = 0 when i > n, and because of it, we can write
which implies
Formula for 7
Similar to the above method for 11, 10 is a unit of ℤ∕7ℤ with order 6 in ×. Therefore
which results in the following after modding by 7
Now let m ∈×. Then there exists some integer r such that mr ≡ 1 mod (n). Then problem 1 implies the
existence of an s such that mr = ns + 1, i.e. mr + n(-s) = 1. Hence gcd(m,n) = 1 and therefore m and n are
Combining these two results implies that an integer m is coprime to an integer n if and only if m ∈×. This
allots us the following equation
![]() | (5.3) |
The multiplicativity of ϕ
According to [Cha13] the Chinese Remainder Theorem tells us that for an integer n ≥ 2 with prime factorization
n = p1e1paea, ℤ∕nℤ is isomorphic to (ℤ∕p1e1ℤ) ×
× (ℤ∕paeaℤ). This in turn implies (ℤ∕nℤ)× is isomorphic to
× (ℤ∕paeaℤ)×. Let m and n be coprime with prime factorizations p1e1
paea and q1f1
respectively. Therefore the prime factors of their prime factorization have that pi≠qj for each possible i,j.
Now according to equation 5.3, ϕ(mn) = |ℤ∕mnℤ|, and thus we have the following sequence of equations.
![]() | (5.4) |
Given Equation 5.4 and the fact that ϕ is multiplicative from the previous part of the problem, then for any n with
prime decomposition of p1e1p2e2pmem where each pi is distinct, we have the formula
[Cha13] Ching-li Chai. Excursion in elementary number theory., 2013.
[Jac09] Nathan Jacobson. Basic Algebra I. Basic Algebra. Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2009.