Math 502: Abstract Algebra
Homework 3
Lawrence Tyler Rush
January 5, 2014
(a) Show that (ℤ∕nℤ)× is isomorphic to Aut(ℤ∕nℤ).
Any element of Aut(ℤ∕nℤ) will map the identity element to itself because it is a
homomorphism. Therefore, since ℤ∕nℤ is cyclic, any automorphism will simply permute the non-identity elements. Hence
for any φ ∈ Aut(ℤ∕nℤ), φ(1) = i(1) = i for some i ∈{1,2,…,n}. However, because φ is a homomorphism, this completely
dictates the mapping by φ of 2, 3,… n, i.e. Hence, by defining φi to be the automorphism of ℤ∕nℤ that maps 1 to i, we can then see that
Note that we need the stipulation of i,n being coprime because if j is not coprime to n, then we would be able to
find a 0 < k < n such that kj = n, i.e. j wouldn’t generate the group, and therefore φj would not be a
Since (ℤ∕nℤ)× are the units of ℤ∕nℤ, i.e. the equivalence classes of all the coprime numbers between 0 and n, then the
above implies that this is in one-to-one correspondence with Aut(ℤ∕nℤ). The bijection is ϕ : (ℤ∕nℤ)×→ Aut(ℤ∕nℤ) defined
(b) Is (ℤ∕5ℤ)× a cyclic group?
Yes it is cyclic; it is ⟨2⟩.
(c) Extra Credit: Is (ℤ∕25ℤ)× a cyclic group?
Yes it is cyclic; it is ⟨2⟩, since 5, 10, 15, and 20 are all coprime to 25 (and
therefore their equivalence classes are not in (ℤ∕25ℤ)×
(d) Extra Credit
Let T be the set of diagonal matrices in GL2(ℝ).
(a) Centralizer of T in GLn(ℝ)
For n = 2
Because of the following
we know that for the above to be equal to
, because the determinant ad-bc needs to be non-zero, that a and d
need to both be zero and bc = -1, or b and c need to both be zero and ad = 1. Hence,
For n = 3
(b) Normalizer of T in GLn(ℝ)
For n = 2
For the following to be in T,
either a and d need to both be zero, or b and c need to both be zero, but exclusively so because the determinant, ad-bc,
needs to be nonzero. Hence we have that
For n = 3
(c) Extra Credit
(d) Extra Credit
(b) Extra Credit
(c) Extra Credit
4 Classify all groups G where Aut(G) = {idG}
Such a G must be abelian
If G were not abelian, then there would be at least one non-identity element, g, outside of the center of G. The map
σg : G → G defined by σg(h) = ghg-1, i.e. conjugation by g, would then be an automorphism of G since there
must exist at least one h ∈ G such that ghg-1≠h as g ⁄∈ Z(G). Hence σg is a non-identity map contained in
(a) The trivial subspace and ℝ2 are the only subspaces closed under left action by GL2(ℝ)
It’s clear that the trivial subspace and ℝ2 are both closed subspaces under action
by GL2(ℝ). The only other subspaces of ℝ2 are 1-dimensional, i.e. lines of ℝ2. So simply a rotation, by say π,
will take a vector in a 1-dimensional subspace outside of the subspace.
Functions are stable under action of the identity element.
The first property of an action is satisfied by the following
The “associative” property of an action.
Let A,B ∈ GL2(ℝ) with
Because this
is the same as then the “associative” property of an action holds for this action.
(c) Extra Credit
6 Is “is a normal subgroup” a transitive relation?
The “normality” relation is not transitive. In the group D2(8) = D16, we have
⟨s,r2⟩⊴ D16 and ⟨s,r4⟩⊴⟨s,r2⟩, however, ⟨s,r4⟩⁄⊴ D16.
The subgroup ⟨s,r2⟩ is normal in D16 by
and ⟨s,r4⟩ is normal in ⟨s,r2⟩ by
but the following demonstrates that ⟨s,r4⟩⁄⊴ D16