For n = 1 The images of the basis elements in part (b) are
then the images of the basis elements in part (b) are
with vertical and horizontal lines to better see the nicities of the matrix.
For n = 1 The characteristic polynomial for the matrix
from above is
According to part (a), this polynomial is irreducible, so because the minimal polynomail divides the characteristic polynomial, this polynomial is also the minimal polynomial.
For n = 2 The characteristic polynomial for the matrix
from above is
which is
and the minimal polynomial will be
for all f(x) ∈ F[x]. So for an arbitrary m-degree polynomial f(x) ∈ F[x] defined as
we have, through use of the binomial formula, that
Rearranging the indexing variables, we can morph the right-hand side of the above equation into
which in turn allows us to move the tj outside the inner summation to obtain
which finally allows us to clearly see the coefficients of f(x + t) and therefore the formulation of ∂[j](f) to be
![]() | (3.1) |
which is exactly the formula for f′(x).
Given this notation, because each φn,φm are ring homomorphisms, we are immediately afforded both φnφm = φnm and φn + φm = φn+m.
With this, we will define ϕ : End(p-mℤ∕ℤ) → ℤ∕pmℤ by ϕ(φn) = n. Thus using the ring homomorphic properties of φn and φm outlined above and the additive/multiplicative operations on ∕pmℤ, we have
Now if ϕ(φn) = 0, then φn(p-m) = 0p-m = 0, and so φn = φ0. With this we have the injectivity of ϕ. Now because End(p-mℤ∕ℤ) and ℤ∕pmℤ have the same cardinality, then ϕ is bijective. Hence we have that End(p-mℤ∕ℤ) is isomorphic to ℤ∕pmℤ.
![]() | (4.2) |
Addition is closed For each (xn)n∈ℕ≥1,(yn)n∈ℕ≥1 ∈ ℤp their sum is in ℤp because of the closure of addition on ℤ∕pnℤ and because
for all m ≥ n.
Additive inverses The sequence of negatives of the elements of a sequence is the additive inverse since
Addition is commutative by the following
which is due to the commutative addition of ℤ∕pnℤ for each n.
There exists a 1 element which is the sequence of all ones, which we will denote by (1). It is the multiplicative identity by
Multiplication is closed since
for all m ≥ n
Multiplication is associative by the following
Multiplication distributes over addition by the following
Multiplication is commutative by the following
in which we make use of the commutative property of multiplication on ℤ∕pnℤ.
Finally, given all the above properties, we have that ℤp is a commutative ring.
Through use of the additive and multiplicative definitions on both ℤp and ℤ∕pnℤ, we obtain
which reveals that πn is a ring homomorphism in addition to being surjective.
![]() | (4.3) |
for all m ≥ n. Hence each xm is a multiple of pn for m ≥ n. Likewise, equation 4.2 gives us that xn ≡ xk mod pk for all k < n, so since xn is a multiple of pn it is inherently a multiple of pk for k < n. Thus we have that each xk ≡ 0 mod pk which also implies that
![]() | (4.4) |
Hence the fact that xn ≡ 0 mod pn combined with equations 4.3 and 4.4 implies that (xn) ∈ pn ⋅ ℤp. So we have that Kerπn ⊂ pn ⋅ ℤp.
Now if (xn) ∈ pnℤp, then xn would be a multiple of pn, i.e. xn ≡ 0 mod pn. So the image of (xn) under πn will therefore be 0 ∈ ℤ∕pnℤ. Hence pnℤp ⊂ Kerπn.
With the above two results we conclude that Kerπn = pnℤp.