Math 502: Abstract Algebra
Homework 12
Lawrence Tyler Rush
In Collaboration With
Keaton Naff
January 5, 2014
Let G be a finite group and ℂ(G) be the set of all ℂ-valued functions on G. Define an
inner-product on the ℂ-vector space by
For each g ∈ G, let Ug ∈ Endℂ(C(G)) be defined by f(xf(xg). With this
definition, we see that but because right translation in G is a bijection, we can alter the index on G to be and hence Ug is a unitary operator for each g ∈ G.
For each g ∈ G, let Ug ∈ Endℂ(C(G)) be defined by f(xf(xg). With this
definition, we see that however in the above equation, we can substitute y for xg to get
which indicates that Ug-1 will be the hermitian conjugate of Ug.
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F which is either ℂ or ℝ with S
a linear operator on V .
(a) Prove S being skew-hermitian implies exp(S) is unitary
Assume that S is skew-hermitian. Let λ ∈ F be an eigenvalue of S with
corresponding eigenvector v. Then we have that
with the rightmost equality coming from the Taylor series expansion of the exponential function. So we see that eλ is an
eigenvalue for exp(S). Now because S was assumed skew-hermitian, then λ ∈ℝ, implying that λ = ai
for some a ∈ ℝ. So eai is an eigenvalue of exp(S), but since it has magnitude of 1, then exp(S) must be
then both A and B are period matrices since
Therefore since ∑
k=0∞ converges (to e, although it’s immaterial), then exp(A) = I + a1A1 + a
2A2 + a
3A3 + a
4A4 and
exp(B) = b1B1 + b2B2 + b3B3 + b4B4 where each ai,bi ∈ F. In other words, exp(A) ⋅ exp(B) is a finite linear combination of
16 matrices.
Now I’d like to show that exp(A + B) is not a finite linear combination of matrices, but I am unsure how to do
(c) Extra Credit
3 Extra Credit
If we let T ∈ Endℂ(ℂ[ℤ∕nℤ] be multiplication by b0[0] + b1[1] + + bn-1[n- 1],
then we have that which implies that the matrix representation of T in the basis {[0],[1],…,[n - 1]} of ℂ[ℤ∕nℤ] is An.
(c) Extra Credit
(d) Extra Credit