Math 503: Abstract Algebra

Homework 2
Lawrence Tyler Rush
<> In Collaboration With
 Caitlin Beecham
 Adam Freilich
 Keaton Naff
 Matt Weaver

February 6, 2014


Let R be a commutative ring and G be a finite group.

(a) Show that R [G] has a structure as a ring

The tensor product R [G] is already an abelian group, so we need to find a multiplication operation and show that (R [G],,1R 1[G]) is a monoid as well as the distributive law holds.

Constructing Multiplication We first recognize that multiplication in a ring Ris some associative bilinear operation from R′× R′→ R. It’s bilinear because of the distributive law, and associative so that the demands of the aforementioned monoid are met.

Thus because R and [G] are both rings, there exist such associative, bilinear maps mR : R × R R and m[G] : [G] × [G] [G]. But then the universal property of tensor products yields mR : R R R and m[G] : [G] [G] [G] through which mR and m[G] factor, respectively. Thus we can combine these two to form the linear map mR m[G] : (R R) ([G] [G]) R [G]. Because of the commutativity and associativity of the tensor product, there exists an isomorphism α : (R [G]) (R [G]) (R R) ([G] [G]) such that α((r x) (s y)) = (r s) (x y) for all r,s R and x,y [G]. Now the composition mR m[G] α : (R [G]) (R [G]) R [G] is a linear map, which, via the universal property of tensor products, yields a bilinear map m : (R [G]) × (R [G]) R [G] through which mR m[G] α factors. The map m is our desired multiplication.

Associativity of Multiplication Because m is bilinear, it satisfies the distributive laws and thus we need only show that m is associative. Also because m is bilinear, for arbitrary iri xi, jsj yj R [G]

  (                    )
   ∑          ∑            ∑   ∑
m (   ri ⊗ xi ,  sj ⊗yj) =        m (ri ⊗ xi,sj ⊗ yj)
    i          j             i  j

which implies that we need only determine that m(r x,m(sy,tz)) = m(m(r x,sy),tz) for all r,s,t R and x,y,z [G]. So finally, through the use of the associativity of mR and m[G] the following sequence of equations shows m to be associative. For clarity we set φ = mR m[G]

m(r⊗ x,m (s⊗ y,t⊗ z)) =   φ∘ α((r ⊗ x)⊗ φ∘ α((s ⊗ y)⊗ (t ⊗z)))

                      =   φ∘ α((r ⊗ x)⊗ φ((s ⊗ t)⊗ (y-⊗z)))
                      =   φ∘ α((r ⊗ x)⊗ (mR(s ⊗t)⊗ m ℤ[G](y⊗ z)))
                      =   φ∘ α((r ⊗ x)⊗ (mR(s,t)⊗ mℤ[G](y,z)))
                      =   φ((r ⊗ m (s,t))⊗ (x ⊗ m   (y,z)))
                          ---    R        ----ℤ[G]
                      =   mR(r ⊗mR (s,t))⊗ m ℤ[G ](x⊗ m ℤ[G](y,z))
                      =   mR(r,mR (s,t))⊗ mℤ[G](x,m ℤ[G](y,z))
                      =   mR(mR (r,s),t)⊗ mℤ[G](m ℤ[G](x,y),z)
                      =   m-(m  (r,s) ⊗t)⊗ m----(m   (x,y)⊗ z)
                           R   R            ℤ[G]  ℤ[G]
                      =   φ((mR (r,s) ⊗ t)⊗(m ℤ[G](x,y)⊗ z))
                      =   φ∘ α((mR (r,s) ⊗ mℤ[G](x,y))⊗ (t⊗ z))
                      =   φ∘ α((mR-(r⊗ s)⊗ m-ℤ[G](x⊗ y))⊗ (t⊗ z))
                      =   φ∘ α(φ((r ⊗ s) ⊗(x ⊗ y))⊗ (t⊗ z))

                      =   φ∘ α(φ∘ α((r ⊗ x)⊗ (s ⊗ y))⊗ (t⊗ z))
                      =   φ∘ α(m(r⊗ x,s⊗ y)⊗ (t⊗ z))
                      =   m(m (r ⊗ x,s⊗ y),t⊗ z)

Thus R [G] has a ring structure.

(b) Are R [G] and R[G] isomorphic?

Because R is a free R-module of rank one, [G] is a free -module of rank #G, and R[G] is a free R-module of rank #G, then we know immediately that R [G] and R[G] are isomorphic as R-modules, since their ranks are the same. Furthermore, any homomorphism which takes basis elements to distinct basis elements will be an R-linear isomorphism. Thus if we can find such an R-module isomorphism and go on to show that it preserves multiplication between elements of the domain and codomain, then it will also be a ring isomorphism. We endeavor to find such an isomorphism.

So define α : R × [G] R[G] to be the map (r,x)↦→rx. Through use of the properties of R[G], for all r,r1,r2 R, x,x1,x2 R[G], and n

                        α(r + r ,x) = (r + r)x = r x+ r x = α (r ,x)+ α(r ,x)
                           1   2       1   2     1    2      1        2
                        α(r,x1 + x2) = r(x1 + x2) = rx1 + rx2 = α(r,x1)+ α (r,x2)
α(nr,x ) = (nr)x = signum (n)(r+-⋅⋅⋅+-r)x = signum (n)r◟x+-⋅◝⋅◜⋅+-rx◞= signum (n)r(x+-⋅⋅⋅+-x)= r(nx) = α(r,nx)
                         ◟ |n|◝ t◜imes ◞               |n| times             ◟ |n◝|◜ times ◞
by which α is -bilinear. Therefore the universal properties of tensor products yields α : R [G] R[G] such that α = α i where i is the inclusion map. Moreover, α is an isomorphism of modules due to it’s mapping basis elements to distinct basis elements: α(1 [g]) = α(1,[g]) = [g] for each g G. It remains to be shown that α preserves the operation of multiplication. The following yields that fact for arbitrary elements iri xi and jsj yj in R [G]
  ( (∑        ) (∑        ) )       ( ∑  ∑                )
α-(     ri ⊗ xi (   sj ⊗ yj) ) =   α(       (ri ⊗ xi)(sj ⊗yj))
      i           j                    i  j
                                    (                 )
                                   -( ∑  ∑            )
                               =   α   i  j (risj ⊗ xiyj)
                                   ∑  ∑
                               =         α(risj ⊗ xiyj)
                                    i  j
                               =   ∑  ∑  α(rs ,x y)
                                    i  j    ij  ij
                                   ∑  ∑
                               =         risjxiyj
                                    i  j    (       )
                                   (∑     )   ∑
                               =       rixi (    sjyj)
                                     i         j
                                   (          ) (           )
                               =    ∑  α(ri,xi)  ( ∑  α(sj,yj))
                                     i             j
                                   (           ) (             )
                                    ∑  --          ∑  --
                               =       α(ri ⊗ xi) (   α(sj ⊗ yj))
                                     i            ( j       )
                                    ( ∑       )    ∑
                               =   α-    ri ⊗ xi α-(  sj ⊗yj)
                                       i            j
Hence, R [G] and R[G] are isomorphic rings.


Let M and N be two left R-modules over a non-commutative ring R. Define M RN to be the quotient of M N by it’s submodule which is generated by all elements of the form (r m) n - m (r n) where m M, n N, and r R. We will refer to this submodule as S.


Define α : M × N M RN to be the compositions of the canonical map i1 : M × N M N and the quotient map i2 : M N M RN.

Let Q be an R-module and γ : M × N Q be a R-bilinear map. Therefore Q is an abelian group and γ is also a -bilinear map. Thus the universal property of tensor products gives us the existence of a unique γ′∈ Homgrp(M N,Q) such that γ = γ′∘ i1.

Now since S is generated by elements of the form (r m) n - m (r n) where m M, n N, and r R and

γ′((r⋅m )⊗ n - m ⊗ (r ⋅n)) =   γ′((r⋅m )⊗ n)- γ′(m ⊗ (r⋅n))

                         =   γ(r ⋅m,n)- γ(m, r⋅n)
                         =   rγ (m, n)- rγ(m,n)
                         =   0
then S kerγ, by which the universal property of quotient modules yields a unique map β HomR(M RN,Q) such that γ= β i2. Hence γ = γ′∘ i2 = β i2 i1 = β α.

Finally, the existence and uniqueness of both γand β, demand that the map β↦→β α is bijective.

(b) What is M RN when M, N are R-modules of rank one

Let M and N each be left R-modules of rank 1 with generators m and n, respectively. Then for the R-module M RN and for an arbitrary element imi ni M RN
∑              ∑
   mi ⊙ ni =      rim ⊙ sin
 i              i
           =   ∑  sr m ⊙ n
                i  ii
               (      )
           =    ∑  siri (m ⊙ n)
while similarly
∑              ∑
   mi ⊙ ni =      rim ⊙ sin
 i             ∑i
           =      m ⊙ risin
           =   ∑  ((r s)m ⊙ n)
                i   i i
               (      )
           =    ∑  risi (m ⊙ n)
Either one of these implies that M RN is isomorphic as a R-module to a subring of R, not necessarily proper. However, combining the two results brings
(       )          (      )
  ∑                 ∑
     siri  (m ⊙ n) =     risi (m ⊙ n)
   i                 i

to light, from which we deduce that

M  ⊙  N ~ R∕S
    R   =

where S is the subring of R generated by elements of the form rs-sr. Note that since R is non-commutative, then S will not simply be zero.

(c) Give an R such that M RN is zero for M,N in (b)

Begin with a non-commutative ring, say M2(), and let M = N = . Set R to be the ring generated by elements of the form AB - BA for A,B M2(). Then certainly, given the previous part of this problem, the R-module M RN will be zero because it will be isomorphic to R R in this case.


Let G be a finite group with subgroup H. Let F be a field.


Because F is a field, then the group rings F[G×G] and F[G] are vector spaces over F with dimension (#G)2 and #G, respectively. Hence F[G] FF[G] is also a vector space of dimension (#G)2. So F[G × G] and F[G] FF[G] are isomorphic. Furthermore, because {[(x,y)]|x,y G} is a basis for F[G × G] and {[x] [y]|x,y G} is a basis for F[G] FF[G], then the map from F[G×G] to F[G] FF[G] defined by [(x,y)]↦→[x] [y] is an isomorphism, and uniquely so.


Again, because F is a field, F[G] and F[G] FF[G] are vector spaces over F. Furthermore, because {[x]|x G} and {[x] [y]|x,y G} are bases for F[G] and F[G] FF[G], respectively, then defining α : F[G] F[G] FF[G] by [x]↦→[x] [x] makes α the unique injective linear homomorphism from F[G] to F[G] FF[G]. In order for α to be an F-algebra homomorphism, it remains only to prove that α([x][y]) = α([x])α([y]) for all [x],[y] F[G]. The following yields that property:
α ([x][y])  =   α([xy])
         =   [xy]⊗ [xy]

         =   [x][y]⊗ [x][y]
         =   ([x]⊗ [x])([y]⊗ [y])
         =   α([x])α ([y])


Since V and W are left F[G]-modules, then they a free modules each of rank #G. Since the tensor product of free modules is also a free module, then V FW is also a left R[G]-module, however, it has rank (#G)2.

Fix an x G. Given that ρV (x) GL(V ) and ρW(x) GL(W) then we can define ρV W : G GL(V ) by ρV W(x) = ρV (x) ρW(x)

So set A to be the matrix representation of ρV (x) in the basis {[g]|g G}. Similarly, set B to be the matrix representation of ρW(x) in the same basis. Also set C to be the matrix representation of ρV W(x) in the basis {[g] 1|g G}∪{1 [g]|g G}. Then

    (  a11B   a12B  ⋅⋅⋅  a1nB )
    |  a21B   a22B            |
C = ||    .         .         ||
    (    ..          ..       )
       an1B  an2B       annB

where n = #G and (aij) = A. Therefore we finally arrive at

TrF(ρV⊗W (x ))  =  TrF (C( )     )
              =  TrF     aiiB
                  n    i=1
              =  ∑  a  Tr (B)
                 i=1 ii  F
              =  TrF (B )   aii
              =  TrF (B )TrF(A)
              =  Tr  (A )Tr (B)
                   F      F
              =  TrF (ρV (x))TrF(ρW (x))

(d) Extra Credit


(a) Show that there is a natural ring isomorphism between [x,y] and [x] [x]

The rings [x,y] and [x] [x] are free -modules with bases {xn|n 0}∪{yn|n 0} and {xn 1|n 0}∪{1 xn|n 0}, respectively. These two bases have the same cardinality, so any homomorphism that maps the elements of one basis to distinct elements of the other will be a -module isomorphism. So once we find such a module isomorphism, we need only show that it preserves the multiplication operation in order to obtain a ring isomorphism.

Define α : [x] × [x] [x,y] by (f(x),g(x)) ↦→f(x)g(y). Then for all f,f1,f2,g,g1,g2 [x] and n we have the following through heavy use of ring properties of [x,y].

 α(f1(x)+ f2(x),g(x))  =  (f1(x) +f2(x))g(y)
                     =  f1(x)g(y)+ f2(x)g(y)
                     =  α(f (x),g(x))+ α(f (x),g(x))
                           1             2
α (f (x),g1(x)+ g2(x))  =  f(x)(g1(y)+ g2(y))
                     =  f(x)g1(y)+ f(x)g2(y)
                     =  α(f(x)g1(y))+ α(f(x)g2(y))
       α(nf(x),g(x))  =  signum (n)(f(x )+ ⋅⋅⋅+ f(x))g(y)
                                      |n| times
                     =  signum (n)f(x)g(y)+-⋅⋅⋅+-f(x)g(y)
                                 ◟      |n|◝◜ times      ◞

                     =  signum (n)f(x )(g◟(y)+-⋅◝⋅◜⋅+-g(y))◞
                                         |n| times
                     =  α(f(x),ng(x ))
which implies that α is -bilinear. Thus the universal property of tensor products gives us α : [x] [x] [x,y] such that α = α i where i is the inclusion map. Now α(xn 1) = α(xn,1) = xn and α(1 xn) = α(1,xn) = yn, making α a -module isomorphism. We now only to multiplication to be preserved by α. This is shown by the following for arbitrary elements ifi gi,  jfj gj [x] [x]
  ( (∑        ) (∑        ) )       ( ∑  ∑                )
α-(     fi ⊗ gi (   fj ⊗ gj) ) =   α(       (fi ⊗ gi)(fj ⊗ gj))
      i           j                    i  j
                                    (                 )
                                   -( ∑  ∑            )
                               =   α   i  j (fifj ⊗ gigj)
                                   ∑  ∑
                               =         α(fifj ⊗ gigj)
                                    i  j
                               =   ∑  ∑  α(ff ,gg )
                                    i  j    ij  ij
                                   ∑  ∑
                               =         fi(x)fj(x)gi(y)gj(y)
                                    i  j         (            )
                                   (∑          )   ∑
                               =       fi(x)gi(y) (    fj(x )gj(y))
                                     i              j
                                   (          ) (          )
                               =    ∑  α(fi,gi)  (∑  α (fj,gj))
                                     i            j
                                   (           ) (            )
                                    ∑  --          ∑  --
                               =       α(fi ⊗ gi) (   α(fj ⊗ gj))
                                     i            ( j       )
                                    ( ∑       )    ∑
                               =   α-    fi ⊗ gi α-(  fj ⊗ gj)
                                       i            j
Hence [x] [x] is naturally isomorphic to [x,y].


Let c : [x] [x] [x] be a ring homomorphism such that c(x) = x1 + 1 x for the polynomial x [x]. Therefore, for n , c(xn) = (c(x))n. Since {1,x,x2,} is a basis for [x], then c(x) = x 1 + 1 x completely defines c. Hence, c is unique.


First note that for n we have a formula for c(xn)
                       ∑n ( )                   n∑  ( )                  ∑n (  )
c(xn) = (x ⊗ 1+ 1 ⊗x )n =     n  (x⊗ 1)n-i(1 ⊗ x)i =     n  (xn- i ⊗1)(1⊗ xi) =    n xn-i ⊗ xi
                       i=0  i                   i=0  i                   i=0  i

Note that the last line could also be written as i=0n( )
 nixi xn-i. We will make use of both. Then, for any f(x) =[x], c(f(x)) = f(x1 + 1 x) = nan i=0n(n)
 ixn-i xi when f(x) = nanxn. Given these results, we obtain the following

α∘ (1⊗ c)∘c(f)  =  α(1(⊗ c(f((x⊗ 1+ 1 ⊗ x)))       ) )
                            ∑    ∑n (n )
                =  α  1⊗ c     an     i xn- i ⊗ xi
                     (    (  n    i=0               ))
                            ∑  ∑n (   (n)  n-i)    i
                =  α  1⊗ c          an i x     ⊗ x
                     (      (n i=(0)    )        )
                      ∑  ∑n      n   n-i    ( i)
                =  α          an i  x    ⊗ c x
                     ( n i=n0(   ( )    )   (  i ( )         ))
                      ∑  ∑       n   n-i     ∑   i   i-k    k
                =  α   n i=0  an i  x    ⊗       k  x   ⊗ x
                     (    n  i   (  )(  )    k=0           )
                =  α  ∑  ∑  ∑  a   n   i (xn- i ⊗(xi-k ⊗xk))
                       n i=0k=0 n  i   k
                       n  i   (  )(  )
                =  ∑  ∑  ∑  an  n   i ((xn-i ⊗ xi-k)⊗ xk)
                    n i=0k=0    i   k
???? Seems like there should be a way to manipulate the coefficients above so that (c1) c results, but I can’t figure out how.




(g) Extra Credit

(h) Extra Credit