Math 503: Abstract Algebra

Homework 10
Lawrence Tyler Rush
April 18, 2014

1 Determine the Galois group of the splitting field of T4 - 3

Since the polynomial T4 - 3 can be broken down via the difference of squares as
             √ -      √-         √ -        √-         √-      √-      √ -      √-
T4 - 3 = (T2 - 3)(T 2 + 3) = (T 2 -  3)(T2 - (-  3)) = (T - 43)(T + 43)(T - i 43)(T + i 43)

then the roots are ±√43,±i4√3. So the splitting field of T4 - 3 over is (4√3,i4√3). This yields

{  √ -       √ -             {  √-         √-
   4√3  ↦→   ± 4√3-               4√3-  ↦→  ±i√43
   i 43 ↦→   ±i 43              i 43  ↦→  ± 4 3

as the possible elements of the Galois group of K, leaving us with a potential Galois group of size 8.

Now since T4 - 3 is irreducible over (by Eisenstein’s criteria), then (4√3) is an extension of degree four. In (4√3), T4 - 3 factors as T4 - 3 = (T -4√3)(T + 4√3)(T2 + √3) where (T2 + √3) is irreducible with roots ±i4√3. Then K = (4√3-,i√43-) is an extension of degree two over (√43-). Therefore K has degree 8 over , and this implies that the 8 automorphisms above are all elements of the Galois group of K, and furthermore are the only elements.

Note that every automorphism σ of the Galois group of K will take 4√3- to an element in K of the form (-1)min4√3 and therefore take i√43 to an element of the form (-1)rin+14√3 for m,n,r ∈{0,1}. This then defines the mapping of i as

σ(i) = σ-1(√43-)σ (i 4√3-) = ((- 1)min 4√3)-1(- 1)rin+1 4√3 = (- 1)r- mi

Conversly if we were to define the the mapping of only √ -
4 3 and i, mapping them to (-1)min√-
43 and (-1)ri, respectively, we can recover where i√ -
 43 is mapped to as (-1)ri(-1)min√-
43 = (-1)r+min+1√-
43, resulting in one of the automorphisms in equation 1.1. Hence, we can simply define an automorphism in Gal(K∕ ) by its mapping of √-
43 to any other root of T4 - 3 and its mapping of i to ±i.

So let’s define

    { √ -       √-                { √ -      √-
σ =    43  ↦→   i 43           τ =    43  ↦→   43
      i    ↦→   i                    i    ↦→   - i

form which we see |σ| = 4 and |τ| = 2. Furthermore we see that σ and τ generate Gal(K∕ ) since any automorphism

{ √43-  ↦→  im 4√3
  i    ↦→  (- 1)ni

in the Galois group, where m ∈{0,1,2,3} and n ∈{0,1} is equal to σmτn. Finally we have

    √ -          √-    √ -    √ -      √ -
τσ3( 43) =   τ(- i 43) = i 43 = σ ( 43) = στ ( 43)
  τσ3(i) =   τ(i) = - i = σ(- i) = σ τ(i)
so that στ = τσ3. Since |σ| = 4 then this can be restated as στ = τσ. Hence Gal(K∕ ) = σ,τ|σ4 = τ2 = 1,στ = τσ-1, or in other words, Gal(K∕ ) is the dihedral group, D8, of size eight.




(c) Extra Credit



Using the fact that ζ2 + ζ + 1 = 0, α + β + γ = 0, R(ζ;α,β,γ) = α + ζ β + ζ2 γ, and R(ζ2;α,β,γ) = α + ζ2 β + ζ γ, we have
3α  =   2α- β - γ
    =   2α+ (ζ2 + ζ)β + (ζ2 + ζ)γ
    =   α+ ζ2β +ζβ + α + ζ2γ + ζγ
                 2          2
    =   (α + ζβ + ζ γ)+ (α + ζβ + ζγ)
    =   R(ζ;α,β,γ)+ R(ζ2;α,β,γ)
Furthermore, since ζ3 = 1 then
3β  =  2β - α- γ
    =  2β + (ζ2 + ζ)α + (ζ2 + ζ)γ
    =  β + ζ2α+ ζα + β + ζ2γ +ζγ
         2                      2
    =  (ζ α +β + ζγ)+ (ζα+ β + ζ γ)
    =  (ζ2α +ζ3β + ζ4γ)+ (ζα + ζ3β + ζ2γ)
    =  ζ2(α +ζ1β + ζ2γ)+ ζ(α + ζ2β + ζγ)
    =  ζ2R (ζ;α,β,γ) +ζR (ζ2;α,β,γ)
and finally
3γ  =  2γ - α- β
             2          2
    =  2γ + (ζ2  + ζ)α + (ζ +2 ζ)β
    =  γ + ζ α+ ζα + γ + ζ β + ζβ
    =  (ζα + ζ2β + γ)+ (ζ2α+ ζβ + γ)
    =  (ζα + ζ2β + ζ3γ)+ (ζ2α + ζ4β + ζ3γ)
                  2     2     2
    =  ζ(α + ζβ + ζ γ)+2 ζ (α2+ ζ β +ζγ )
    =  ζR (ζ;α,β,γ) + ζR (ζ;α,β,γ)





4 Extra Credit