Math 508: Advanced Analysis

Homework 5
Lawrence Tyler Rush
October 7, 2014

1 Determine the divergence or convergence of --1n-
1+z for complex z

If |z|≤ 1 the |zn|≤ 1 which implies |1 + zn|≤ 2 and subsequently that
||--1--||   1
||1+ zn|| ≥ 2

Therefore 11+zn- ⁄→ 0, implying the divergence of 11+zn in this case.

Now assume that |z| > 1. Then |zn| increases as n gets large and |zn + 1| > 2. So let N be such that |zn| > 2 for all n > N. Then

|zn + 1| ≥ |zn| > |zn|- 1 ≥ |zn|- |zn|= |z|n
                              2     2

for all n > N. By separating |1+1zn| like so

∞∑  ---1---  ∑N  --1----   ∑∞   --1----
   |1+ zn| =    |1 + zn | +      |1+ zn|
n=1         n=1          n=N+1

equation 1.1 informs us that

 ∞∑     1     ∑N    1       ∞∑    2    ∑N    1       ∞∑   ( n√2-)n
    -----n-<    -----n-+       --n-=    -----n-+         ---
n=1 |1 + z |  n=1|1+ z |  n=N+1 |z|   n=1|1+ z |  n=N+1   |z|

Now the left addend of the right-hand side of the above inequality is a finite sum and the right addend is a convergent geometric series since 0 <  n√-
-|z2| < 1. Thus the right-hand side of the above inequality converges, implying the convergence of the left-hand side, n=1|1+1zn|. This in turn implies that our series in question is absolutely convergent when |z| > 1, and therefore convergent.

2 If an > 0, an converges, and {bn} is bounded show that a nbn converges.

Let an be a convergent series with each an > 0 and {bn} a bounded sequence. Define M as the bound on {bn} so that |bn| < M for all n. Then we have
∑          ∑         ∑           ∑
   |anbn| =   an|bn| <   anM  = M     an

so due to the convergence of an, then M an and therefore |anbn| converges. Hence anbn converges absolutely, and so converges.

3 Find the radius of convergence of the following power series.

(a) n3zn

||(n+ 1)3zn+1||  ||n3 + 3n2 + 3n+ 1 ||
||-----33----|| = ||-------3------z||
    n z               n

approaches z as n increases, then the ratio test tells us that the radius of convergence is 1.

(b) 2n

This series is a power series of e2z:
∑  2n     ∑  2zn
   --zn =    --- = e2z
   n!         n!

and so this series converges for all z, i.e. the radius is infinite.

(c) n!zn

||(n+ 1)!zn+1 ||
||---n!z3----|| = |(n + 1)z|

approaches as n increases, then the ratio test tells us that the radius of convergence is 0, but technically, z = 0 will make the series converge.

4 Detemine the limit of {an} where a0 = 0 and an+1 = an2 + 245 for n 1

We first note that if the limit is finite, say L, then it must satisfy L2 - L + 425- = 0 given the recursive definition. Therefore, L can only be 15 or 45 since these are the roots of that equation.

Now since a0 = 0, the recusive formula just adds a positive value of 425, informing us that this sequence if monotonically increasing. Furthermore, if an < 1
5 we see that

           4   ( 1)2    4   1
an+1 = a2n +--<   -   + -- = -
           25    5     25   5

which simultaneously implies that the sequence is bounded and rules out 45 as a possible limit. Thus the sequence is monotonically increasing and bounded, implying that it must converge, and because the initial value is zero, the only point it can converge to is 1

5 If an 0 and an converges, show that √ ---
-nan converges

Let an 0 and assume an converges. Then the partial sums {sn} with sn = a1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + an converge. This implies the convergence of {tn} where tn = √a1- + ⋅⋅⋅ + √an- since each an 0. Thus defining xn = √an- implies that {tn} is the sequence of partial sums of xn and they form a bounded sequence. Furthermore, defining yn as the harmonic series, we have y0 y1 y2 ⋅⋅⋅ and limn→∞yn = 0. Thus Rudin’s Theorem 3.42 informs us that the series
             √ ---
∑  x y  = ∑  --an
    n n       n


6 Find N so that 1 + 1
2 + 1
3 + 1
4 + ⋅⋅⋅ + 1-
N > 100

Define an to be the harmonic series. We have that
              (  )  (      )   (             )
∑  a   =  1 +  1  +   1 + 1  +  1 + 1 + 1+ 1  + ⋅⋅⋅
    n          2      3   4     5   6   7  8
              (1 )  ( 1   1)   (1   1   1  1 )
       >  1 +  2  +   4 + 4  +  8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + ⋅⋅⋅
       =  1 +    2k-1--
              k=0  2k+1
       =  1 + 1    2k 1k
              2k=0   2
       =  1 + 2    2ka2k
Because we know an diverges, we also have that k=02ka2k diverges. So if we can find an integer K such that 1 + 1
2 k=0K2ka2k > 100 then for N = 2K we’ll have 1 + 1
2 + 1
3 + 1
4 + ⋅⋅⋅ + 1-
N > 100. Thus since
     K∑              ∑K
1+ 1    2ka2k = 1+ 1    2k-1k = 1+ K-
   2 k=0          2 k=0  2        2

then 1 + K2- > 100 implies that K > 198, so K = 199 and therefore N = 2199 will satisfy.

7 Determine whether or not 1 + 1
2 -1
3 -1
4 + 1
5 + 1
6 -⋅⋅⋅ converges

By grouping the series like so
(    1)   (1   1)   ( 1  1 )  ( 1   1)
 1 + 2  -  3 + 4  +   5 + 6 -   7 + 8  + ⋅⋅⋅

we see that it is no different than cn where

           (            )
        n+1  --1---  -1-
cn = (- 1)    2n - 1 + 2n

This is an alternating series for which (         )
 2n1-1 + 12n converges to zero, so our original series must also converge by Rudin’s theorem 3.43.






Let A be an n × n matrix, and use the norm of homoework 3 problem 6.

(a) Compute (I - A)(I + A + A2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + AN)

(I - A)(I + A + A2 + ⋅⋅⋅+ AN ) = I - AN+1

(b) Show that if |A| < 1, then I - A is invertible.

Let |A| < 1. Then as N gets large, I - AN+1 approaches I, so in light of the previous part of this problem, if (I -A) n=0NAn converges as N gets large, then (I -A)∑
(  An) will be I and therefore I - A will be invertibile. Since
           ∑N   n             ∑N   n         ∑∞   n
Nli→m∞(I - A)   A  = (I - A )Nli→m∞   A  = (I - A)   A
           n=0                n=0            n=0

we’ll have that I -A is invertible if n=0An converges. Thus because |An|≤ |A|n, the right side converges since it’s a geometric series and |A| < 1. This tells us that An converges absolutely and that therefore An converges. Hence we have our desired result of I - A being invertible.

(c) Show the set of invertible matrices is open

Let ε = -1--
|A-1| and B be a matrix in the ε-ball of A. Then we have that |A-B| < ε implying that |A-1||A-B| < 1. Thus |I -A-1B| < 1. By the previous part of the problem, we then know that I -(    - 1 )
 I - A B = A-1B is invertible. Then there is some invertible matrix C with CA-1B = I. But then B is invertible with inverse CA-1. Hence the ε-ball of A contains only invertible elements, and so the set of invertible matrices is open.

11 Prove that the set of othogonal n × n matrices are compact.

Since n×n matrices are a subspace of n2 , then to show this set is compact, we need only show that it’s closed and bounded.

Bounded. Since any othogonal matrix A has that AAt = I, then with our definition of the norm, |A|2 = A,A= trace(AAt) = trace(I) = n. Thus the set of othogonal matrices is bounded.



