Math 509: Advanced Analysis

Homework 1
Lawrence Tyler Rush
January 24, 2015

1 Lecture Notes Problem 1

Define f : 2 by
          0      if (x,y) = (0,0)
f(x,y) =   x2x+yy2- otherwise

This then yields the following partial derivatives fx : 2 and fy : 2 for nonzero points

f (x,y) =---y---- --2x2y---
 x       x2 +y2   (x2 + y2)2


fy(x,y) =-2-x-2-- --22xy-2-2
         x  +y    (x + y )

Thus there are no points in 2 - (0,0) for which fx and fy don’t exist. It remains to be proven that the partial derivatives exist at the origin. Since the following expression evaluates to zero:

        f(h,0)- f(0,0)       0
fx = lhim→0------h-------= lhim→0h-= hli→m0 0 = 0

then the partial derivative fx exists at (0,0). A symmetrical argument proves the existence of fy at (0,0).

2 Lecture Notes Problem 2

Let U be a convex set in m and f : U n a differentiable map such that there exists a real M with |f(x)|≤ M for all x U. Let p,q U and define two maps ϕ : (0,1) U, g : (0,1) n where (0,1) is an open interval, by
ϕ(t) = tp +(1 - t)q   and      g(t) = f (ϕ(t))

Note that g is well defined because the range of ϕ is a subset of U due to U being convex. So taking the derivative of g we get g(t) = f(ϕ(t))ϕ(t) by the chain rule so that g(t) = f(ϕ(t))(p - q) due to the fact that ϕ the function for the points on the line segment connecting p and q. Taking the norm of both sides then yields

  ′      ′
|g (t)| = |f (ϕ(t))||p- q| ≤ M |p- q|

Now Rudin Theorem 5.19 tells us that |g(1) - g(0)|≤ (1 - 0)|g(t)| for all t [0,1], which implies

|f(p) - f (q)| = |f(ϕ (1))- f(ϕ(0))| = |g(1)- g(0)| ≤ |g′(t)|

Combining equations 2.1 and 2.2 gives to us the desired result:

|f(p)- f(q)| ≤ M |p- q|

3 Lecture Notes Problem 4

Let f : 2 be defined by
          2         2
f(x,y) = 2y - x(x - 1)

Then the partial derivatives of f are

fx  =   - (x- 1)2 - 2x(x- 1) =
f   =   4y
so that fx is zero at x = 1
3,1 and fy is zero when y = 0. Thus the critical points are (1
3,0) and (1,0). Finally, because the Hessian matrix is
( fxx  fxy)   (  4- 6x  0 )
  fyx  fyy   =    0      4


                (       )
       1           2  0
det(H (3,0)) = det   0  4   = 8


                (       )
det(H(1,0)) = det - 2 0   = - 8
                  0   4

implying that the point (1
3,0) is a local minimum and (1,0) is a saddle point.

We see this function graphed with the following sketch:


4 Lecture Notes Problem 5

Let f : 2 be defined by
           2          2
f(x,y) = ax + 2bxy + cy

Then the partial derivatives of f are

fx  =  2ax+ 2by
f   =  2bx+ 2cy
Thus we get that fx = 0 whenever ax = -by and fy = 0 whenever bx = -cy. Hence the only critical point is (0,0). The Hessian matrix
( fxx  fxy )   ( 2a  2b )
  fyx  fyy   =   2b  2c

is completely independent of x and y. So because det(H) = 4ac- 4b2 then the critical point (0,0) will be a local minimum if ac > b2 and a,c > 0, a local maximum if ac > b2 and a,c < 0, saddle point if ac < b2, nondegenerate if ac - b20, and degenerate if ac = b2.

5 Lecture Notes Problem 6

Let f : 2 be defined by
f(x,y) = Real((xiy)3) = x3 - 3xy2

Then the partial derivatives of f are

         2    2
fx  =  3x - 3y
fy  =  - 6xy
so that the only critical point is (0,0). Finally, because the Hessian matrix is
(  fxx  fxy )   ( 6x    - 6y )
   fyx  fyy   =   - 6y  - 6x


               (      )
                  0 0
det(H (0,0)) = det  0 0   = 8

implying that the point (0,0) is a nondegenerate critical point.

We see this function graphed with the following sketch:


Given this graph, a monkey saddle is a saddle with depressions for three legs…or in the case of a monkey, two legs and a tail.

6 Lecture Notes Problem 7

Let f : 2 be defined by
                 3    2 2
f(x,y) = Real((xiy) ) = x y

Then the partial derivatives of f are

fx  =  2xy2
f   =  2x2y
so that all points of the form (0,y) or (x,0) are critical points. Because the Hessian matrix is
( fxx  fxy)   (  2y2  4xy )
  fyx  fyy  =    4xy  2x2


               (        )
                  2y2 0
det(H (0,y)) = det  0   0   = 0


               (        )
det(H (x,0)) = det  0  0 2  = 0
                  0  2x

Thus all critical points are nondegenerate.

We see this function graphed with the following sketch: