Math 509: Advanced Analysis

Homework 2
Lawrence Tyler Rush
February 1, 2015

1 Provide a complete proof of the Chain Rule

Let f : Rm Rn and g : Rn Rp be differentiable functions. Furthermore, let x0 Rn, y0 Rm, and z0 Rp such that f(x0) = y0 and g(y0) = z0. For ease of notation, we asssume that, without loss of generality, the points x0 Rm, y0 Rn and z0 Rp are the origins, respectively, of Rm, Rn, and Rp. We may safely assume this because this situation can be obtained with a simple translation of the functions f and g, which leaves there differentiability, namely the limit formula that makes them differentiable, unaffected.

Now define the linear maps L = f(x0) and M = g(y0) to be the derivatives of f and g, respectively, at x0 and y0. Thus we have

f-(x)-- L-(x) f(x0-+x-)--f(x0)---L(x)
    |x|    =           |x|          →  0  as   x → 0


g(y)--M-(y)=  g(y0-+y)---g(y0)--M-(y)→  0  as   y → 0
    |y|                |y|

via the combination of the differentiability of f and g and our assumption that x0, f(x0) = y0, and g(y0) = z0 are all at the origin of their respective spaces. These two equations then yield the following sequence of equations for sufficiently small x Rm

|gf (x) - M L(x)|  =  |gf(x)- (M f(x )- M f(x)) - M L(x)|

                =  |gf(x)- M f(x)+ M f(x)- M L(x)|
                ≤  |g- M ||f(x)|+ |M ||f (x) - L (x )|
                <  ε|f(x)|+ |M |(ε|x|)
Dividing the last line by |x| then yields
|gf-(x)-- M-L(x)|    |f-(x)|
      |x|       < ε |x| + ε|M |

Hence if we can show that |f(x|x)|| is bounded as |x|→ 0, then the previous inequality implies that |gf(x)-|xM|L(x)| can be arbitrarily bounded as |x|→ 0. Such a property on |gf(x)-ML-(x)|
    |x| proves our theorem since

|gf (x0 + x)- gf(x0) - M L(x)|   |gf(x) - M L(x)|
------------|x|-------------= ------|x-|-----

as we assumed x0 is the origin.

So to, finally, prove the boundedness of |f(x)||x| we see that

|f(x)|   |f(x)+ (L(x)- L(x))|  |L(x)|+|f(x)- L(x)|  |L(x)|  |f(x)- L(x)|
-----=  -------------------≤ -------------------= ----- + -----------
 |x|            |x|                   |x|            |x|         |x|

but |L(x)||x| < |L| and |f(x)-L(x)|
   |x|0 as |x|→ 0. Hence |f(x)|
 |x| is bounded as |x|→ 0 as desired.

2 Provide a complete proof of the equality mixed partials (for m = 2)

Let U be an open set in R2 and f : U R a function whose partial derivatives of orders one and two exist and are continuous on U. So for arbitrary h R, define the function gh : U R by
gh(x,y) = f (x + h,y)- f(x,y)

and then define E : U R by

E (h,k) = gh(x,y +k) - gh(x,y)

Due to the definition of gh we can apply the mean value theorem (MVT) to E twice, but in two different ways:

  1. We can apply the MVT to gh in E to get
E(h,k) = k∂y-gh(x,y + t1k)

    for some 0 t1 1. We next expand gh in the result to obtain

    E(h,k) = k ∂-(f(x+ h,y + t1k)- f(x,y +t1k))

    and finally apply the MVT once more now to f to get

E(h,k) = hk ∂y∂xf(x +s1h,y +t1k)

    for some 0 s1 1.

  2. Alternatively, we can first expand both gh components of E obtaining
    E (h,k) = (f(x + h,y+ k)- f(x,y+ k))- (f(x+ h,y)- f(x,y))

    and then apply the MVT first to the resulting expansion of the first component and then a second time to the resulting expansion of the second component to get

    E(h,k)  =  (f(x+ h,y+ k)- f (x,y + k))- (f(x +h,y) - f (x,y))
             ∂                   ∂
        =  h∂x-f(x+ s2h,y+ k)- h∂x-f(x+ s2h,y)
        =  h∂x-(f(x+ s2h,y+ k)- f(x + s2h,y))
    for some 0 s2 1. We then apply the MVT once more yielding
                 (                    )       2
E (h,k ) = h-∂ k ∂-f(x+ s2h,y+ t2k)  = hk-∂--f (x + s2h,y + t2k)
          ∂x    ∂y                      ∂x∂y

    for some 0 t2 1.

Therefore equations 2.1 and 2.2 yield

  ∂2                   E (h,k)    ∂2
∂y-∂xf(x+ s1h,y+ t1k) =--hk-- = ∂x-∂yf(x+ s2h,y+ t2k)

Now in light of the definition of E, we see that E is also continuous in both h and k so that letting h 0 followed by letting k 0 will have the same value as letting k 0 followed by letting h 0. Thus we can let h 0 and k 0, safely in either order, in equation 2.3 to obtain

 ∂2           ∂2
∂y∂x-f(x,y) = ∂x∂yf (x,y)

as desired.

3 Problem 18 from Slides

Let f : R2 R be a homogeneous function of degree n.

(a) If f is also differentiable, show f = xfx + yfy

Let f be differentiable. By defiinition, we have that f(tx,ty) = tnf(x,y) for any t. Taking the derivative of each side of with respect to t gives us
xfx(tx,ty)+ yfy(tx,ty) = ntn-1f(x,y)

Since this is true for any t R, setting t = 1 yields xfx(x,y) + yfy(x,y) = nf(x,y), as desired.

(b) If f is twice differentiable, show x2fxx + 2xyfxy + y2fyy = n(n - 1)f

By again taking the derivative with respect to t of both sides of 3.4 we get
                                                            n- 2
x(xfxx(tx,ty)+ yfxy(tx,ty))+ y(xfyx(tx,ty)+ yfyy(tx,ty)) = n(n- 1)t  f (x,y)

which becomes

x2fxx(tx,ty)+ 2xyfxy(tx,ty)+ y2fyy(tx,ty) = n(n - 1)tn-2f(x,y)

upon expanding and combining like terms. Thus by, once more, evaluating this formula at t = 1 we obtain the desired formula.

(c) Test the above parts of the problem on f(x,y) = xy∕(x + y)

By the following, we see that f is homogeneous of degree 1:
           t2xy       xy
f(tx,ty) = t(x+-y) = tx+-y-= tf(x,y)

so we need to confirm the formulas from the previous part of the problem. For xfx + yfy we get

               (              )     (              )
xfx + yfy =  x  --y---  --xy--- + y  --x--- ---xy--
                x + y   (x + y)2       x + y  (x + y)2
              --xy-   --x2y---  --xy2--
          =  2x + y - (x + y)2 - (x+ y)2
                       2     2
          =  2--xy- - x-y+-xy2--
              x + y   (x + y)
          =  2--xy- - xy-x+-y--
              x + y     (x + y)2
          =  2--xy- - -xy--
              x + y   x+ y
          =  --xy-
             x + y
          =  f
as desired.

Now we need to confirm the second formula. To start, we have

            xy         y
fxx  =  2(x-+y)3 - 2(x+-y)2
fxy  =  2(x-+y)3
            xy         x
fyy  =  2------3 - 2------2
         (x +y)     (x+ y)
This in turns leads to
 2              2         2(    xy         y   )      (    xy   )   2(    xy         x    )
x fxx + 2xyfxy + y fyy =   x  2(x-+-y)3 - 2(x+-y)2  + 2xy 2 (x-+-y)3- + y   2(x+-y)3 - 2 (x-+-y)2
                            3         2        2 2        3        2
                     =   -2x-y-3 ---2x-y2 + -4x-y-3 +--2xy-3 - -2xy--2
                         (x+ y)   (x + y)   (x+ y)   (x + y)   (x+ y)
                         -2x3y--  2x3y-+-2x2y2   -4x2y2-   -2xy3--  2x2y2 +-2xy3
                     =   (x+ y)3 -  (x + y)3   + (x+ y)3 + (x + y)3 -  (x +y)3
                         2x3y- 2x3y- 2x2y2 + 4x2y2 +2xy3 - 2x2y2 - 2xy3
                     =   ------------------(x-+y)3-------------------

                     =   0
as desired, since n(n - 1)f is zero for n = 1.

4 Problem 19 from Slides

Define u(x,y) = x2 -y2 and v(x,y) = y2 -x2, then z is simply f(u(x,y),v(x,y)) from which we get
zx = uxfu - uxfv = 2xfu - 2xfv   and      zy = uyfu - uyfv = - 2yfu +2yfv

so that

yzx + xzy = (2xyfu - 2xyfv)+ (- 2xyfu + 2xyfv) = 2xyfu - 2xyfu - 2xyfv + 2xyfv = 0

as desired.


Problem: Define f : R R by
      {  0          x = 0
f(x) =   x2sin(1∕x)  otherwise

Prove that f is differentiable for all x, including x = 0, but the derivative f(x) is not continuous at x = 0.