The Jacobian matrix of f at a point (x,y), call it J, is
Then det(J) = -ex(e-y - ey), implying that J is not invertible whenever e-y - ey = 0, i.e. whenever y = 0. Since f is continuously differentiable, then the inverse function theorem tells us that f is locally invertible whenever y≠0 since J will be invertible at those points.
is the Jacobian of the inverse of f at the point f(x,y).
Now because
then the Jacobian of g, denote it by Jg, is
Furthermore, because
then the Jacobian of f, denote it by Jf, is
Finally, to check that indeed Jf and Jg are inverses of each other, we perform the following two multiplications for these matrices evaluated at the points (u,v) = f(x,y) and (x,y), respectively and then ensure the result of each is the identity matrix.
which is
at the point (0,0,1). The matrix above has determinant of 1 (it’s the identity matrix). Hence f′(0,0,1) is invertible. Furthermore, the fact that each of y1, y2, and y3 are polynomials makes f continuously differentiable. These two facts therefore tell us that f is locally invertable at (0,0,1), by the inverse function theorem.
![]() | (4.1) |
for all t and some real value c. Define F : R2 → R2 by
which can be rewritten as
The property in 4.1 then informs us that
|x - x′| | = |f(y) - f(y′)|≤ c|y - y′| | (4.2) |
|y - y′| | = |f(x) - f(x′)|≤ c|x - x′| | (4.3) |
Therefore |x - x′| = |x - x′| (whether or not c = 0), which implies x = x′. Furthermore we can similarly conclude y = y′ using the same argument after subsituting |x-x′| from equation 4.2 into equation 4.3. Hence we have (x,y) = (x′,y′), and since our only assumption was that F(x,y) = F(x′,y′), then F is injective.
I’m not really satisfied, personally, with a proof that is missing details, so I will provide a full proof.
Let f : R → Rn be a continuously differentiable mapping of an open set E, and f′(a) be invertible for some a ∈ E.
Denote f′(a) by just A, and choose λ such that
![]() | (5.4) |
Note that this is not ill-defined as A is invertible by the hypothesis. Furthermore f′ is continuous at a, being that f is continuously differentiable, which implies that there is an open ball U ⊂ E centered at a such that
![]() | (5.5) |
for all x ∈ U.
We now create a helpful function that makes our proof easier; followed by a helpful lemma. For each y ∈ Rn define φy : Rn → Rn by φy(x) = x - A-1(y - f(x)).
Remark 5.1. Note that with this deifintion, we have that x is a fixed point of φy if and only if f(x) = y.
It also turns out that this function is a contraction mapping.
Proof. We see that the derivative of φy is φy′(x) = I -A-1f′(x) = A-1A-A-1f′(x) = A-1(A-f′(x)). Equations
5.4 and 5.5 thus imply |φy′(x)| = |A-1||A - f′(x)| < |A-1|λ = . Therefore Rudin’s theorem 9.19 tells us that
for all x1,x2 ∈ U, as desired. __
Becuase lemma 5.1 indicates that φy is a contraction mapping, then it can have at most one fixed point. In light of remark 5.1, we then know that f must be injective on U. We next move on to proving that f(U) is open.
Denote f(U) by V and choose a y0 ∈ V . Since f is certainly onto its image, then we of course have the existence of some x0 ∈ U with f(x0) = y0. Define B to be an open ball centered at x0 with a radius r > 0 small enough so that the closure of B, denote it by B, is contained in U. To show the openess of V , we show that the open ball of radius λr centered at y0 is contained in V . So let y ∈ V such that |y - y0| < λr. Then we have
by the definition of λ in equation 5.4. Thus if x ∈B, Lemma 5.1 paired with the above equation imply
Hence φy(x) ∈ B, i.e. φy is a contraction of B into itself. Since B is closed, it is complete, and the contraction mapping principle (Rudin Theorem 9.23) therefore implies the existence of one and only one fixed point of φy, which Remark 5.1 tells us is an x ∈B where f(x) = y. In other words, y ∈ f(B) ⊂ f(U) = V . Hence V is open.