Math 509: Advanced Analysis

Homework 5
Lawrence Tyler Rush
February 17, 2015

1 Problem 12 from Slides

Define f : R4 R3 by
f(x,y,z,u ) = (3x + y- z + u2,x - y+ 2z + u,2x + 2y- 3z + 2u)

With this we can define four functions on R × R3:

f1(x,(y,z,u)) = f(x,y,z,u) (1.1)
f2(y,(x,z,u)) = f(x,y,z,u) (1.2)
f3(z,(x,y,u)) = f(x,y,z,u) (1.3)
f4(u,(x,y,z)) = f(x,y,z,u) (1.4)
Thus we have fi(0,(0,0,0)) = f(0,0,0,0) = (0,0,0,0) for all i = 1,2,3,4. Denote the second argument of each of fi by v, then we have the following derivatives
(∂f1∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) = (            )
    1  - 1  0
(  - 1   2  1)
    2  - 3  2
(∂f2∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) = (  3  - 1 0 )
(  1   2  1 )
   2  - 3 2
(∂f3∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) = (           )
(  3   1  0 )
   1  - 1 1
   2   2  2
(∂f4∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) = (            )
   3   1  - 1
(  1  - 1   2)
   2   2  - 3
with the corresponding determinants
det((∂f ∕∂v)       )
   1    (0,(0,0,0)) = 1(4 - (-3)) - (-1)(-2 - 2) + (0)(3 - 4) = 11
det(              )
 (∂f2∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) = 3(4 - (-3)) - (-1)(2 - 2) + (0)(-3 - 4) = 21
det(              )
 (∂f3∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) = 3(-1 - 2) - (1)(2 - 2) + (0)(2 - (-2)) = -9
det((∂f ∕∂v)       )
   4    (0,(0,0,0)) = 3(3 - 4) - (1)(-3 - 4) + (-1)(2 - (-2)) = 0
Therefore because (∂f1∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)), (∂f2∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)), and (∂f3∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) all have nonzero determinant, then the implicit function theorem tells us there exist functions g1 : R R3, g2 : R R3, and g3 : R R3 such that
f1(0,g1(0)) = f1(0,(0,0,0)) = (0,0,0)
f2(0,g2(0)) = f2(0,(0,0,0)) = (0,0,0)
f3(0,g3(0)) = f3(0,(0,0,0)) = (0,0,0)
In light of the defintion of f and equations 1.1 through 1.3, this implies that the equations
3x + y - z + u2 = 0 (1.5)
x - y + 2z + u = 0 (1.6)
2x + 2y - 3z + 2u = 0 (1.7)
have solutions for
  1. y,z,u in terms of x, due to g1
  2. x,z,u in terms of y, due to g2
  3. x,y,u in terms of z, due to g3

On the other hand, because the determinant of (∂f4∕∂v)(0,(0,0,0)) is zero then there is no function g4 : R R3 with f4(0,g4(0)), implying that there is no solution to equations 1.5 through 1.7 for x,y,z in terms of u.

2 Problem 13 from Slides

Define f : R2 × R R by
f(x,y,z) = z2x +ez + y

Then because

   ( ∂f)
det  ∂z-       = det(2xz + ez)(1,-1,0) = det(1) = 1

the implicit function theorem tells us that there exists a g : R2 R such that g(1,-1) = 0 and f(x,y,g(x,y)) = 0 for all (x,y) in some neighborhood of (1,-1). Furthermore, since

∂f-  ( ∂f-)( ∂g)
∂x =   ∂g    ∂x

and we know that

∂f-= z2


(∂f )         g
 -∂g  = 2gx+ e

then we can solve for ∂∂gx to get

∂g-= z2(2gx + eg)-1


∂g          2           g(1,-1)- 1   2
∂x-(1,- 1) = z (2g(1,- 1) + e    )  = z

Similarly we have

        (   )- 1  (               )
∂g-= ∂f-  ∂f-   =  2g(x,y)x + eg(x,y)
∂y   ∂x   ∂g

so that

--(1,- 1) = 1

3 Problem 14 from Slides

Define a function f : R × R3 R3 by
               2   3   3   3     2   2   2
f(t,(x,y,z)) = (t + x + y + z ,t+ x + y +z ,t+ x + y+ z)

Let u denote the second component in R3 of f(t,u). Then the partial derivative with respect to u at the point (t,u) = (0,(-1,1,0)) is

               (               )           (           )
[   ]             3x2  3y2 3z2                  3 3  0
 ∂f-         = (   2x   2y  2z )         = (  - 2 2  0 )
 ∂u  (0,(-1,1,0))       1    1   1   (0,(-1,1,0))       1 1  1

which has determinant of 3(2 - 0) - 3(-2 - 0) + 0 = 12. The above matrix is therefore nonsingular, and hence the Implicit Function Theorem yields the existence of a function g : R R3 defined on a neighborhood of 0 such that g(0) = (-1,1,0) and f(t,g(t)) = f(0,(-1,1,0)) = (0,2,0) for all points in that neighborhood. In turn, g implicitly defines three real-valued functions on R, x,y,z, where g(t) = (x(t),y(t),z(t)). With this notation, the previously mentioned result of the the Implicit Function Theorem can be restated as: there exists a neighborhood around (0,-1,1,0) such that f(t,(x(t),y(t),z(t))) = (0,2,0) for all t. In other words, given the definition of f, the following equations have solutions around (t,x,y,z) = (0,-1,1,0)

t2 + (x(t))3 + (y(t))3 + (z(t))3 = 0
t + (x(t))2 + (y(t))2 + (z(t))2 = 2
t + x(t) + y(t) + z(t) = 0

4 Problem 15 from Slides

Define three functions f,g,h: R2 × R R by
f((x,y),z) = xz + sin(xy) + cos(xz)
g((y,z),x) = xz + sin(xy) + cos(xz)
h((x,z),y) = xz + sin(xy) + cos(xz)
then we have the following derivatives
fz = z + y cos(xy) - z sin(xz)
gx = xcos(xy)
hy = x + xcos(xz)
so that
fz(0,1,1) = 2
gx(0,1,1) = 0
hy(0,1,1) = 0
Thus the Implicit Function Theorem tells us that there is a differentiable function f : R2 R such that z = f(x,y) but that there are no such functions g,h : R2 R with x = g(y,z) or y = h(x,z)

5 Problem 16 from Slides

Let F(x,y) be a C2 function such that F(x,f(x)) = 0 and (∂F∕∂y)(x,f(x))0 for all x R. Then we have that
∂F           ∂F        ∂F
∂x-(x,f(x )) = ∂x-(x,y)+  ∂y f ′

By assumption ∂F--
∂y0 so that we may solve for fas

    ( ∂F) -1( ∂F          ∂F      )
f′ =  ---     ---(x,f (x))- ---(x,y)
      ∂y      ∂x           ∂x

Again taking the derivative with respect to x in equation 5.8 yields

∂2F           ∂2F       ∂2F     ∂F
-2--(x,f (x)) = -2-(x,y)+ --2-f′ +---f′′
∂ x           ∂ x       ∂ y     ∂y

substituting equation 5.9 into this equation and then solving for f′′ leaves us with

    (    )- 1(  2            2          2  (   )- 1(                    ) )
f′′ =  ∂F-     ∂-F2-(x,f(x))- ∂2F-(x,y)- ∂-F2-  ∂F-     ∂F-(x,f(x))- ∂F-(x,y)
      ∂y       ∂ x          ∂ x        ∂ y  ∂y       ∂x          ∂x

6 Problem 17 from Slides

Define F : R3 R by
F (x,y,z) = x2 + 4y2 - 2yz - z2

(a) Verify the hypotheses of the Implicit Function Theorem

(b) Find the largest neighborhood U of (2, 1,-4) on which ∂F∕∂z0

We have that
∂F-= - 2y - 2z = - 2(y + z)

which means that ∂F-
 ∂z0 whenever y-z. Hence any point of the form (x,y,-y) will have ∂F-
∂z = 0 which implies that the largest neighborhood of (2,1,-4) will be the open ball with radius r where r is the distance from (2,1,-4) to the closest point of the form (x,y,-y). Since y - z at the point (2,1,-4), we know that such an r will exist. We just need to find it.

To do so, we can find the minimum of the distance between (2,1,-4) and any point (x,y,-y), or equivalently the minimum of the square of the distance between (2,1,-4) and any point (x,y,-y). So define f : R2 R by

f(x,y) = (x- 2)2+ (y- 1)2+ (- y- (- 4))2 = x2 - 4x + 4+ y2- 2y+ 1 + y2+ 8y+ 16 = x2 - 4x+ 2y2+ 6y+ 21

With this definition we have

fx = 2x - 4
fy = 2y + 6
indicating that there is a critical point at (x,y) = (2,-3), which we simply need to confirm that this is indeed a minimum. We compute the Hessian matrix of this function
    ( f    f   )   ( 2  0 )
H =   fxx  fxy   =   0  2
       yx   yy

for which detH = 4 so that (2,-3) is indeed a minimum since the diagonals of H are both positive and its determinant is positive. Therefore

r2 = 22 - 4(2)+ 2(- 3)2 + 6(- 3)+ 21 = 17

so that r = √--
 17. Hence we set U to be the open ball of radius √ --
  17 centered at (2,1,-4).
