Proof: The proof begins with several reductions which allow us to assume that f ≡ 1, that A is a small open set about a point a, and that g′(a) is the identity matrix. Then the argument is completed by induction on n with the use of Fubini’s Theorem.
Then the theorem is true for all A.
The collection of all g(U) is an open cover of g(A). Let Φ be a partition of unity subordinate to this cover. For any Riemann
integrable f : g(A) → R, if φ = 0 outside of g(U), then, since g is one-to-one we have that (φf) ∘g = 0 outside of U. Hence
φf is integrable and the equation
can be written as
Summing over all φ ∈ Φ yields
∑ φ∈Φ ∫ g(A)φf | = ∑ φ∈Φ ∫ A((φf) ∘ g)|detg′| | ||
∫ g(A)f | = ∫ A|detg′| | ||
∫ g(A)f | = ∫ A|detg′| | ||
∫ g(A)f | = ∫ A(f ∘ g)|detg′| |
If the theorem holds for f = 1 then it holds for f = constant. Let V be a rectangle in g(A) and P a partition of V . For each
subrectangle S of P, let fS be the constant function mS(f). Then
L(f,P) | = ∑ S∈PmS(f)v(S) | ||
= ∑ S∈P ∫ intSfS | |||
= ∑ S∈P ∫ g-1(intS)(fS ∘ g)|detg′| | |||
≤∑ S∈P ∫ g-1(intS)(f ∘ g)|detg′| | |||
= ∫ g-1(V )(f ∘ g)|detg′| |
Likewise, letting fS = MS(f), we get the opposite inequality, and so that conclude that
Then as in Step 1, it follows that
To ease the proof slightly, define X = g(A) and f′ = (f ∘ h)|deth′|. Then we have
∫ h∘g(A)f | = ∫ h(g(A))f | ||
= ∫ h(X)f | |||
= ∫ X(f ∘ h)|deth′| | |||
= ∫ Xf′ | |||
= ∫ g(A)f′ | |||
= ∫ A(f′∘ g)|detg′| | |||
= ∫ A|detg′| | |||
= ∫ A((f ∘ h) ∘ g)|detg′| | |||
= ∫ A(f ∘ (h ∘ g))|detg′| | |||
= ∫ A(f ∘ (h ∘ g))|det(h ∘ g)′| |
By steps 1 and 2, it suffices to show for any open rectangle U that
Note that for a linear transformation g, we have g′ = g. Then this is just the fact from linear algebra that a linear tranformation g : Rn → Rn multiplies volumes by |detg|.
Then f is Riemann integrable on A if and only if B has measure zero.
Suppose first that B has measure zero.
Let ε > 0. Define Bε = {x ∈ A : o(f,x) ≥ ε}. Now Bε ⊂ B, hence Bε has measure zero. By problem 13 of our previous Chapter 2, the set Bε is closed. Since Bε is also bounded, it is compact, and so has content zero. Hence there is a finite collection U1,…,Un of closed rectangles, whose interiors cover Bε, with total volume less than ε.
Now let P be a partition of the original rectangle A which “refines” the collection of rectangles Ui in the following sense. Each rectangle S ∈ P is in one of the following two groups:
Since the function f is, by hypothesis, bounded on A, choose M so that |f(x)| < M for all x ∈ A. Then
for all S ∈ P. Thus since
we can divide the above difference into two parts, the first corresponding to G1 and the other to G2. We have the following for the first part
| (2.1) |
As for the second part, since each point x ∈ S ∈ G2 has o(f,x) < ε, then any S ∈ G2 can be further partitioned into rectangles S′ so that
Thus replacing the partitions in G2 with these refined partitions implies the following bound
| (2.2) |
Putting together the partial sums from G1 and G2 of equations 2.1 and 2.2 yields
The value on the right-hand side can be made arbitrarily small by appropriate choice of ε and so we conclude that f is Riemann integrable.
Conversely, suppose that f is Riemann integrable. We must show that the set B has measure zero. Since B = B1 ∪ B1∕2 ∪ B1∕3 ∪, it is enough to show that each B1∕n has measure zero.
Since B1∕n is compact, that is the same as having content zero. Since f is Riemann integrable, then given any ε > 0 we can find a partition P of A such that
Let G be the subfamily of P consisting of rectangles which meet B1∕n. Then the rectangles S in G cover B1∕n. Expand slightly each of these rectangles S to a rectangles S′, so that the interiors of the S′ now cover B1∕n. Then each of the rectangles S′ contains in its interior a point x ∈ B1∕n where the oscillation o(f,x) ≥ 1∕n. It follows from this that
(1∕n)∑ S′∈G′vol(S′) ≤∑ S′∈G′[MS′(f) - mS′(f)]vol(S′) ≤∑ S′∈P′[MS′(f) - mS′(f)]vol(S′) < ε∕n |